Doesn't it hurt so much to think about the wonderful Chelsea Houska ever being with Adam Lind, who is arguably the biggest creep in the entire Teen Mom universe? It's just … he's so awful. He's SO awful. No one has the time to recount each and every one of his bad qualities. He essentially abandoned Chelsea more than once after she gave birth to their daughter, Aubree, and he refuses to pay a reasonable amount of child support , to name just a couple. (Then he did the same thing to Taylor Halbur.) But for Adam's current bit of douchebaggery, he's doing this thing where he keeps saying that he's going to quit filming Teen Mom 2 , but then he never, ever does. It's overwhelming, really. A few times now, he's said that he's quitting the show because of the way he's portrayed, but then he keeps right on going. He seems to be stuck in between his desire to leave the show and his desire to get paid, because in this current season, he's been a real tool to the crew. In one episode, he told producers to come to his house to film, and when they arrived, he refused to let them in . And now, in this new sneak peek for this week's episode, he's unbelievably rude and disrespectful when his producer tries to talk to him about it. Like, he actually cusses this poor woman out right at Aubree's softball game, displaying a total lack of self-awareness … or human decency. Are we exaggerating? Maybe a little, but certainly not a lot. The guy is pretty awful and does little to make us think otherwise. Ever. Watch Adam be the jackass he is in the video below:
See the original post:
Adam Lind: Keep That F–king Camera Out of My Face!