Donald Trump Tries to Dunk on LeBron James, Calls Him Stupid

Donald Trump is too short, too out of shape and possesses hands that are way to small to dunk a basketball. But the President of the United States nevertheless took some time out of his late Friday night to try and slam one home on… … LeBron James? Yes. The very stable genius, who thinks one needs an ID to purchase groceries , jumped on Twitter around midnight and Tweeted the following about the new Los Angeles Lakers star : Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike! There are many things to point out about this Tweet. For starters, Lemon interviewed LeBron on Monday night, meaning there are only one of two options here: Trump used TiVo to record the interview and watched it days later. Trump was simply watching CNN, the network he often claims “sucks” and is terrible and is full of “fake news,” when it re-aired the Q&A. Either would be a totally normal thing for the Commander-in-Chief to do, right? Secondly, LeBron James was interviewed by Lemon (along with other outlets) because he just opened a public school in Akron, Ohio. To reiterate: James donated millions and millions of dollars to the I Promise school, an institution for at-risk children in his hometown that will offer: – Free college tuition to the University of Arkon for all graduates. – All students a free uniform, free bicycle and free helmet. – Job assistance and GED training for the parents of all students. – A food pantry for families. – Free breakfast, lunch and snacks for all students. One could easily argue this is the most generous and impressive off-court gesture ever made by a professiona athlete. And THIS is the individual that President Trump has chosen to insult as unintelligent. We wonder why. Yes, James has referred to Trump as a “bum” on Twitter in the past and he also said in June that whichever team won the NBA title would turn down an invitation to visit the White House. But head NBA coaches Steve Kerr and Greg Popovich has been far more critical of Trump. The latter said in March that Trump is a liar and a hypocrite and that he brings out the “dark side of human beings for his own purpose.” Yet Trump has never uttered a negative word about Kerr or Popovich. We really do wonder why. What makes LeBron different from these two other men in his profession. Can anyone out there help explain it to us? In his CNN interview, James discussed the impact of sports and how it brings people together, contrasting this experience with the way Trump uses “sports to kinda divide us.” A great example of this would be Trump’s constant bashing of NFL players for being unpatrotic because they are protesting violence against African-Americans by taking a knee during the national anthem. “Sports has never been something that divides people,” James told Lemon. “It’s always been something that brings someone together.” A few months ago, LeBron expounded further on Trump’s self-centered and misguided attitude toward… everything and everyone. “He doesn’t understand the power that he has for being the leader of this beautiful country,” James said. “He doesn’t understand how many kids, no matter the race, look up to the president of the United States for guidance, for leadership, for words of encouragement. “He doesn’t understand that, and that’s what makes me more sick than anything, that we have someone that’s … this is the most, this is the No. 1 position in the world.” In his viral Tweet above, Trump said he likes Mike, very likely making a reference to Michael Jordan in the debate for who is the best basketball player of all-time. The world now waits to see if Jordan will chime in with his opinion of the President. It also now waits to see if Trump will get impeached for being a traitor.

The rest is here:
Donald Trump Tries to Dunk on LeBron James, Calls Him Stupid

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