The Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation into Ed Westwick. Specifically, the Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation into Ed Westwick in relation to accusations against the actor of rape. These troubling charges were leveled against the ex-Gossip Girl star by actress Kristina Cohen , who shared a lengthy Facebook post on Monday. In her social media message, Cohen said she met Westwick at the actor’s house during a dinner party she attended with her boyfriend three years ago. The boyfriend was a producer and was friends with Westwick. Cohen alleges she was woken up from a nap in a guest bedroom by Westwick, writing in upsetting detail: [He] on top of me, his fingers entering my body. I told him to stop, but he was strong. I fought him off as hard as I could but he grabbed my face in his hands, shaking me, telling me he wanted to fuck me. I was paralyzed, terrified. I couldn’t speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me. Cohen went on to say her boyfriend pressured her to keep quiet about the incident, but she has finally come forward with the accusation now because she’s been inspired by all the women who have done the same against Harvey Weinstein . (The veteran movie producer has been accused over the past few weeks of assault and sexual misconduct by over 50 actresses.) Concluded Cohen on Facebook: I hope my coming forward will help others to know that they are not alone, that they are not to blame, and it is not their fault. Just as the other women and men coming forward have helped me to realize the same. I hope that my stories and the stories of others help to reset and realign the toxic environments and power imbalances that have created these monsters. In response to this rape claim, Westwick issued the following statement: “I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on a woman. I certainly have never committed rape.” Cohen, meanwhile, did more than just write on Facebook; she filed a police report on Tuesday. The LAPD would not confirm Cohen’s identity, but public information officer Tony Im told People Magazine that Westwick was named as a suspect in the report. “Suspect forced victim to have sexual intercourse inside his residence … three years ago,” the report reads, according to Deadline, which broke the news of this investigation. Westwick is best known for his lead role on The CW’s Gossip Girl. Cohen appeared on the series Ladies Like Us from 2013 through 2015. We’ll update this story with more details if or when more news breaks. View Slideshow: #MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault
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Ed Westwick: Under Police Investigation for Rape