A party at Justin Bieber’s house a couple weeks ago nearly ended in tragedy, as a guest fell unconscious and a friend of the singer’s phoned the authorities. An ambulance was dispatched to the scene but later recalled when the victim stumbled to her feet and was taken home. Now, though, the 911 call made by Bieber’s unnamed pal has surfaced… and it’s raised a few questions concerning what the heck went down on the night of December 13. At first, the security team member tells an operator that someone is “hyperventilating.” Then, he says the person is having a seizure. Then, he changes his story again and say she simply passed out. We may never know what actually happened, but listen in now and try to discern for yourself: Justin Bieber 911 Call: WTF? Of course, Bieber fans have something else to focus on and worry about these days: Did Justin really retire on Christmas Eve ?!?!?!?!?
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Justin Bieber Party Guest Calls 911, Raises Questions