Kate Upton has accused the man behind fashion brand Guess of treating women in an inappropriate manner. On Wednesday morning, the world famous model took to Twitter in order to accuse chief creative officer and former co-CEO Paul Marciano of sexual harassment. Marciano has been a major influence at Guess for years and remains a prominent player in its everyday operations. Much to the chagrin of Upton, as she writes below: “It’s disappointing that such an iconic women’s brand @GUESS is still empowering Paul Marciano as their creative director.” The newlywed ended the tweet with a potentially telling hashtag, implying that she was a victim of Marciano’s unacceptable behavior by Tweeting: #metoo. This hashtag, of course, is commonly used these days by women who have been the victims of sexual harassment or misconduct. While it’s often employed by females in the entertainment industry (after acres Alyssa Milano made it popular once again several months ago), many women around social media in general have also joined the movement. The impressive viral movement aims to shed light on years and years of abuse, intimidation, harassment and assault that have been covered up by both Hollywood and the media. Back to Upton, however: Minutes after sending her initial message, Upton shared the same Tweet on Instagram, along with the caption: “He shouldn’t be allowed to use his power in the industry to sexually and emotionally harass women #metoo.” Justin Verlander, the Houston Astros starting pitcher who Upton married in November , also shared his wife’s allegation on Twitter. Upton is arguably the most famous supermodel in the world. She became a celebrity spokesmodel for Guess in 2011, following in the footsteps of such major names as the following: Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford. Most recent faces of Guess include Gigi Hadid, Hailey Baldwin, Camila Cabello and Jennifer Lopez. Marciano, meanwhile, co-founded the fashion company in 1981 and has served as its executive chairman and chief creative officer since August 2015. He stepped down that year from his position as the brand’s chief executive officer, but, if anything, has been more involved in a daily basis ever since making this transition. Guess has yet to respond to Upton’s claims. And Upton has not provided any further detail regarding what Marciano has done to merit said claims. We’ll update this story as more news when/if it breaks. UPDATE : Marciano says Upton may just be bitter that she is no longer employed by Guess and adds: “If she has a claim, there’s one place to tell the truth and that’s in court or to the police.” View Slideshow: #MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault
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Kate Upton Accuses Guess Co-Founder Paul Marciano of Sexual Misconduct