It appears as if no one will be particularly happy on Keeping Up with the Kardashians this Sunday night. In clips previously posted on The Hollywood Gossip, Kim Kardashian freaked out after seeing that a paparazzo has snapped some unflattering photos of her and shared them online: We also shared a sneak peek of Kim breaking down in a puddle of tears because she feared for her safety while on vacation in Mexico. Here. Look at how that attack in Paris is still having an effect on the star in the following video: So this brings us to Kourtney Kardashian. Below, having just returned from this same trip down south with her sister, Kourtney stops by her mom's office and asks how ex-lover Scott Disick has been in her absence. “I think that he was jealous because you were having fun spending time with other people,” Kris replies, which really sets her daughter off. “Well that's really not fair,” Kourtney says. “It's just like I can't even live my life. I can't even go anywhere. He needs to get a f–king life and leave me alone. “All he does is try to make everybody else feel bad for him and try to make me look like the bad guy in this situation when clearly I'm not from 10 years of this going on.” “Wouldn't you be sad if he truly left you alone?” Kris asks in response. “You always want what you can't have. And when somebody's right there giving you their heart on a platter.” (NOTE: Is that really what Disick has been doing? The guy is dating Sofia Richie and has basically had a young harem for months now .) “He's not! He's not though!” Kourtney says, getting angry and adding: “That's what he makes it seem! To you, to Kim, to Khloe, to the world, to everybody! He sits there and grovels and feels bad for himself. So if that was his truth, why can't he get it together?” That's a valid question. Disick continues to get drunk all the time, party a lot and hook up left and right. “I have to handle it when he's out photographed with a different hooker every day,” Kourtney says emphatically in this sneak peek. It's hard to disagree with that assessment, even if there's no proof Disick has paid any of these women money for their services. WATCH THE EXPLOSIVE CLIP NOW:
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Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Ditch the Hookers! Get a Life!
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