LeBron James’ purse (yes, purse) became the talk of the NBA yesterday. At halftime of Sunday’s Celtics/Knicks game, ABC relayed a shot of Miami Heat stars James and Dwyane Wade entering the Staples Center to do battle with the L.A. Lakers. Wade was “the personification of sexual chocolate” according to one blogger, in a muscle shirt, while LeBron … carried what appeared to be a stylish man purse / toiletry bag: LeBron James Carrying Purse The reactions to this will, undoubtedly, be split into two camps: Ryan Seacrest, David Beckham, Kanye West and Tom Haverford from Parks and Recreation , who will declare it “dope” and scramble to find out the designer. Everyone else, who will be LOLing at the fact that LeBron not only lost to the Lakers 93-83 Sunday, but lost his dignity by a much greater score. What do you think of LeBron’s man-purse? Fab or fail?
Go here to read the rest:
LeBron James Man-Purse: Fashionable or Fail?