This week on Manzo’d With Children Season 1 Episode 4 , Albie and Lauren had a falling out, with Caroline giving them 24 hours to make peace. Lauren and Albie have always been close, but they’re at odds here, with her saying he always plays the victim, calling him “dramatic” and “pathetic.” “I don’t think Brittany’s the right girl for him,” she says of his new girl, which sort of triggered this rift the previous week in the Garden State family. Albie told Lauren, apparently, that she’s a toxic person he doesn’t want her in his life anymore, and that he’s going to date whomever is right for him. His mom tells him to go apologize to Lauren, regardless. Lauren thinks no one sees her side and how this is affecting her, and that the family is always taking Albie’s side. Mom wants to throw them both out. If you watch Manzo’d With Children online and saw the Brittany situation unfold, you know she might not be the best fit with this close-knit group. Still, Albie feels trapped by others’ expectations, and it appears Manzo’d With Children Season 1 Episode 4 is the culmination of a lifetime of this. His family has been hard on Brittany, he says, by judging her solely on her appearance, though he admits having the same concerns about Brittany. Christopher, meanwhile, helps Caroline with her sauce as she muses about how he makes her happier and she just needs his presence to keep her sane. Later, Caroline talks to Al about the incident between Caroline and Albie, and Al is a little bit more sympathetic toward his son’s plight than she. “My point to you is this: it ends here,” Caroline says, while Al adds they did a great raising the kids, and that they have what it takes to rise above this. Finally, they make up, as Lauren says she’s just being honest and wants to be able to say whatever she wants to her family members with no consequences. He says he doesn’t want anyone controlling his life, and that he doesn’t really want Lauren out of the picture, but just wants to be able to live comfortably. See? Was that so hard?
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Manzo’d With Children Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Albie vs. Lauren!