Meghan McCain vs. Leah Remini: Who Should Join The View?

After firing Jenny McCarthy and Sherri Shepherd , The View was left with two empty seats at its famous round table.  Rosie O’Donnell is returning to the show next season , a prospect that has many fans excited. But without an equally strong personality to keep her in check, there’s a chance that Rosie may dominate the proceedings.  The Rosie vs. Elisabeth Hasselbeck debates made for some of The View ‘s best moments (and highest ratings), but it’s unlikely that fans would want to tune in for midday fisticuffs season after season. Plus, the intensity of the O’Donnell and Hasselbeck’s arguments ended up taking a toll on the entire panel. So producers are left with the challenge of keeping the discussions lively (a bunch of women sitting around agreeing with each other doesn’t make for great television), without leaving the show’s panel and audience bitterly divided. The View has reportedly cast a wide net in its search for talent, with two front-runners quickly emerging: Rumors that Meghan McCain would join The View began circulating earlier this month, and many fans online seem to feel the daughter of Arizona senator and former presidential candidate John McCain would be the perfect choice. Her father is a staunch Republican, but Meghan takes a liberal stance on most social issues. Her good looks and clever insights helped her rise to prominence during the 2012 presidential campaign, and she could serve as the perfect counterpart to O’Donnell – a sort of significantly toned down version of Hasselbeck. Another name that’s been mentioned as a potential fifth host is actress Leah Remini. Remini’s rejection of Scientology made news last year, and revealed the former King of Queens star and The Talk co-host star to be a thoughtful and discerning social critic who’s not afraid to make powerful enemies. Reports that emerged today claim that McCain is close to reaching a deal with The View, but until she signs on the dotted line, Remini still has a chance. Who do you think would make a better host? And the Winner is? Meghan McCain! Click Here To Vote for Meghan Leah Remini! Click Here To Vote for Leah There are two front-runners to join The View for next season: Meghan McCain and Leah Remini. Who would you rather see on the show? View Poll »

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Meghan McCain vs. Leah Remini: Who Should Join The View?

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