Megyn Kelly has put Jane Fonda on blast. There's a sentence we're guessing you didn't expect to read today. But the NBC anchor took a few moments out from her program on Monday to address the quasi feud brewing between her and Fonda, which started a few weeks ago when the veteran actress sat down for an interview with Kelly. Fonda was on hand at the time to promote the film Our Souls at Night – and she did not respond kindly to Kelly bringing up her many plastic surgery procedure on air. “I read that you said you felt you're not proud to admit that you've had work done. Why not?” Kelly asked of Fonda, who responded tersely: “We really want to talk about that now?” The exchange went viral because, well, it was very awkward. And now Kelly has gone on the offensive against Fonda, explaining why she pursued this line of questioning and calling Fonda out. Hard. “When she first complained publicly after the program and repeatedly, I chose to say nothing as my general philosophy is what other people think of me is none of my business,” Kelly opened. “However, Fonda was at it again last week including here on NBC and then again elsewhere, so it's time to address the 'poor me' routine.” Oh, yes, Kelly held nothing back in this mini rant. “First, some context,” she explained, prior to adding: “Fonda was on to promote a film about aging. For years she has spoken openly about her joy in giving a cultural face to older women. “Well, the truth is most older women look nothing like Fonda, who is now 80 and if Fonda really wants to have an honest discussion about older women's cultural face, then her plastic surgery is tough to ignore. “Fonda herself knows this. She knows this and that is why, to her credit, she has discussed her cosmetic surgery pretty much everywhere before coming on our show.” The show then aired a handful of clips of Fonda talking about her plastic surgery to various outlets and her reasoning for it. Kelly's general point is that Fonda has opened the plastic surgery door many times and was out of line in making it look like Kelly was out of line for bringing it up. “Apparently, when she came here, however, again to promote her film about aging, I was supposed to discern that this subject was suddenly off-limits,” Kelly continued. “Look, I gave her the chance to empower other women, young and old, on a subject which she purports to know well and she rejected it. That's ok, but I have no regrets about that question, nor am I in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate. “After all, this is a woman whose name is synonymous with outrage.” From here, Kelly brought up Fonda's comments during the Vietnam War, saying the actress set out to “shame” American troops. She also took Fonda to task for more recently telling the BBC that she was NOT proud of her country because it elected Donald Trump as President . But she is proud of the “resistance.” Seriously, Kelly went deep with this take-down. “So, the moral indignation is a little much,” she concluded of Fonda. “She put her plastic surgery out there. She said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America and honestly she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive.” Watch the full slamming below:
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Megyn Kelly to Jane Fonda: STFU, You Hypocrite!