Kelly Clarkson may have been joking around in her critique of the MTV Video Music Awards as including too many pitchy strippers , but The Parents Television Council does not see this as a laughing matter. In a scathing rebuke of the network and the event, the PTC released a statement today that focused on a rating that somehow claimed the show was appropriate for kids as young as 14. “MTV has once again succeeded in marketing sexually charged messages to young children using former child stars and condom commercials – while falsely rating this program as appropriate for kids as young as 14. This is unacceptable,” wrote PTC Director of Public Policy Dan Isett. “This much is absolutely clear: MTV marketed adults-only material to children while falsely manipulating the content rating to make parents think the content was safe for their children.” As you might expect, the main subjects of the PTC’s outage were Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga . Continued the press release: “MTV continues to sexually exploit young women by promoting acts that incorporate ‘ twerking ’ in a nude-colored bikini. How is this image of former child star Miley Cyrus appropriate for 14-year-olds? How is it appropriate for children to watch Lady Gaga strip down to a bikini in the opening act? How is it appropriate for 14-year-olds to see a condom commercial and a promo for an R-rated movie during the first commercial break?” The statement goes on to say MTV should not get away with such acts merely because it is a cable network – and it includes a call to action. “We urge Congress to pass the Television Consumer Freedom Act which will give parents and consumers a real solution for future MTV VMA programs – the ability to choose and pay for cable networks that they want vs. having to pay for networks they don’t want. After MTV’s display last night, it’s time to give control back to consumers.” The PTC has previously come down on MTV for such programs as Jersey Shore, 16 and Pregnant, and Teen Mom.
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PTC Slams MTV Video Music Awards as Manipulative, Inappropriate for Teenagers