In Real Housewives terms, Tamra Judge seems to be fighting a war on all fronts, at any given time. Her friend-turned-archenemy might still be Vicki Gunvalson, but Tamra seems to be always willing to go off on somebody else. Well, according to an insider’s report, it sounds like Tamra has been faking it all just to stay relevant. Sometimes, you hear a guy drone about how all of his ex-girlfriends were “crazy,” and by the time that he starts describing the fifth or sixth girl, you want to point out that the common factor in all of these relationships was the guy . Well, that’s how we feel about Tamra Judge. She does not get along with a lot of her fellow Real Housewives of Orange County . Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge’s rivalry is intense and an ongoing storyline of the series. Once, they were friends, but competition for the spotlight drove a wedge between them until they became enemies. It’s even been reported that Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson refuse to film together , meaning that their rivalry storyline became so real that it could damage The Real Housewives of Orange County . It was said that both women knew that they wouldn’t be fired and were leveraging their fame to avoid unpleasant encounters. But while you wonder if they’d both stay on top if the camera didn’t show them at each other’s throats, you have to remember that Tamra seems willing to freak out at anyone these days. We’ve all seen Tamra freak out, even at friends like Peggy Sulahian. Recently, we saw Tamra Judge eviscerated by her daughter Sidney Barney , who exposed her mother by revealing accusations of years of neglect, frightening emotional abuse, an inability to respect anyone’s wishes, and a willingness to exploit her children to feed her own fame. Well, it looks like that’s not all that Tamra is willing to do to stay famous. RadarOnline reports that, according to their source, Tamra Judge fakes fights in front of the cameras just to stay relevant. Isn’t that sad? “Tamra literally starts fights with everyone because she knows that it is the only way that people will keep talking about her.” Well, that seems pretty true. People are only going to have so much to say about Tamra’s, like, exercise recommendations or whatever is left to Tamra if you take away all of the fights. “It seems pointless to everyone on the cast and her friends. She claims to have so many issues with everyone on the cast, and insists that it is everyone else’s fault.” Isn’t that so typical? The thing is that, while playing up conflicts or even creating them just for drama and to continue collecting a paycheck would totally fit with justa bout any reality series … we’re not sure how deliberately Tamra does this. We’re sure that she exaggerates for the camera — who doesn’t? — but Tamra seems to have some issues that cause her to lash out hurtfully at people. Not all monsters are made by cameras, people. Now, let’s be clear: Tamra may be a less-than-likable person and, from what her daughter says, a truly terrible mother … (Tamra has been milking the estrangement from her daughter for sympathy for ages, which is the exact opposite of what Sidney asked her to do) … But we were saddened to hear about her skin cancer diagnosis . That’s no reason for anyone to try to guilt Sidney into trying to rekindle a relationship with her mother, though. And a melanoma diagnosis is not an excuse for Tamra’s bad behavior for the camera. Vicki Gunvalson isn’t exactly blameless for their feud, but Tamra can’t possibly be the victim in every single conflict. Either she has some serious social aggression issues … or Tamra is faking it to make it.
The rest is here:
Tamra Judge: Faking Her Fights for the Camera?