The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are back but who’s “Down and Left Out in Beverly HIlls” and who finds themselves booted off the invite list? The lines are drawn and we recap it all in our THG +/- review. The Vanderpumps have moved…about a block away but I must say, the new home is gorgeous. Plus 15 because they have no neighbors. That will keep things tranquil. Lisa’s new bff Brandi Granville stops by with a housewarming gift. Always the traditional girl, Brandi gives them rubber sheets and a tequila gun and calls it just another Tuesday night at the Vanderpump’s, emphasis on the pump . Plus 13 . If you can say anything about Brandi, it’s that she has a sense of humor. Who knew Lisa had such a dirty mind? We certainly see a sassier version of Lisa when she hangs out with Brandi. Plus 10. These two are my new favorite odd couple. On a side note, Lisa needs to get over the height difference and stop wearing those six inch heels. Minus 8 . She’s going to break an ankle, or her neck. Across town, Kyle gets a surprise. Mauricio buys her a Maserati convertible. Plus 22. My husband can buy me one of those any time. Kyle’s planning Portia’s fourth birthday party and the girl is completely adorable as she calls people to invite them to her party. A phone call to Lisa’s has Kyle unexpectedly inviting Brandi who ends up on the speaker phone call. Plus 11 to Kyle for rolling with it and extending the invite. The one person they can’t reach is KIm. Kim finished her substance abuse treatment a month ago but even sober her voicemail box is still filled. Minus 9 . But when Kyle finally extends the invitation, Kim says she may not make it because she’s spending time with her kids. Um…why can’t she bring her kids to a family party? Portia is their cousin. Minus 12 . For whatever reason, it looks like Kim’s blowing her off and Kyle’s not happy. Of course driving home in her new Maserati should ease the pain. Taylor’s finally gained ten whole pounds and thank goodness. Plus 10. It looks good on her. She invites Adrienne to go shopping for a dress for the Villa Blanca anniversary party only to find out that Lisa didn’t invite Adrienne. Uh-oh. Why the snub? Lisa’s still ticked the Ms. Maloof accused her of selling stories to the tabloids and since no apology has been issued, Lisa’s not getting past this any time soon. Adrienne thinks the whole thing is petty but then why not apologize. Well, Adrienne has a different idea. She sends flowers? It’s just odd. The arrangement is huge and weird and the card is pretty generic. Minus 12 . Taylor’s right. It’s hard to figure out what Adrienne was thinking. Is it a form of apology or a dig for not being invited? Who knows? Finally we get to the newest Housewife. Yolanda’s a former model and ex-wife to Lisa’s good friend Mohammad. Everyone gets to know her at Lisa’s party but leave it to Brandi to put her stiletto clad foot in her mouth. In trying to say Beverly Hills is a small world, Brandi tells Yolanda, “You know everyone. You’ve slept with everyone.” Minus 13 . Awkward! Yolanda’s not sure if it’s a joke, if she misspoke, or if that’s just Brandi. I’ll give her a hint. That’s just Brandi. And the season has begun. Episode total = +27! Season total = +27!
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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – "Down and Left Out In Beverly Hills"
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