Willie Hantz Tweets Denial of Drunk Driving Charge

Days after he was given the boot from Big Brother for attacking a fellow house guest, Willie Hantz was arrested yesterday for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. The event took place around 2 a.m. in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana and law enforcement officials tell TMZ Hanz made a run for it when officers approached his Camaro. He reportedly refused a refused a breathalyze test and was taken into custody. HOWEVER, Hantz tells a very different story. And he tells it over Twitter. “I wasn’t driving. I was sitting in the driver’s seat with the car running. I know stupid,” he wrote after being released on bail, adding: “I didn’t run from anyone. I was just moving my car like the cops asked me to. Then they came up and arrested me. “If I would have ran then I would have been resisting arrest. I don’t know where that came from.” In conclusion, the brother of Survivor villain Russell Hantz – who has been arrested himself, for assault – told followers: “I mean all I can do is laugh it off. Learn from it. Maybe.”

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Willie Hantz Tweets Denial of Drunk Driving Charge

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