Sure these Cora Keegan pictures aren’t as good as the ones I posted of her FULLY NAKED ROCKIN’ A HIPSTER BUSH last week….but thanks to those nude pics….I am now in love with Cora Keegan …. She’s young, she’s hot bodied, she’s relatively new to the industry, she gets naked in efforts to build her brand, and I full endorse her efforts…in fact I am debating starting a Cora Keegan fan club, where we write her love songs and perform them for Youtube, hoping she’ll see them, find them endearing and offer me anal sex for going to such great lengths for her….even though she’s probably already an ego, cuz she’s now done Elle Italy motherfuckers and that’s not as big as it gets for a model, but as big as it gets for a girl willing to have anal sex with me. Fact.
Read more:
Cora Keegan’s Hipster Booty for Elle Italy of the Day