We all aware that Casey Anthony is a “party girl” but new evidence is showing that she got pregnant while drunk and passed out: Casey Anthony told a psychiatrist that she didn’t know who her daughter Caylee’s father was because she became pregnant after passing out at a party when she was 18, according to newly released depositions. Anthony was acquitted last July of killing 2-year-old Caylee, who went missing in the summer of 2008 but her disappearance was not reported to authorities until a month later. The little girl’s remains were eventually found in the woods near the home Anthony shared with her parents. Reading from his notes on a November 2010 interview with Anthony, psychiatrist Jeff Danzinger said, “Two beers, possibly given another drug. Woke up passed out…Don’t remember anything at a party, age 18. This is how she said she got pregnant.” Danzinger, who interviewed Anthony five times over two years but did not testify at her trial, also reported that Anthony showed no evidence of mental illness and had normal results on a psychological test – a fact he found surprising. “You would expect that would provoke some measure of distress, whether someone genuinely did it, whether someone was falsely accused,” Danziger said. “If my child was missing and I was in jail being accused of it, I probably wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t be cheerful and wouldn’t be able to read.” Anthony also reportedly told Danzinger that her father had molested her when she was young – a claim defense attorneys raised at trial – and that he had found Caylee’s drowned body in the family’s swimming pool, helped dispose of it and then covered it up. During the trial, George Anthony denied playing any role in Caylee’s disappearance or death. SMH. No words for this trifling heffa. None at all. R.I.P. Caylee Source More On Bossip! Setting The Record Straight…Again: The Craziest Rumors That Have Come Out Since Blue Ivy’s Birth EXCLUSIVE: Is This The Sidepiece That Almost Made Evelyn Walk Away From Her New Hustle Ochocinco??? Who’s Real? The Most Hated Reality Show Stars Of All Time Don’t Mess With My Man! Famous Women That Will Fight For And Stick Up For Their Boo Thangs
Originally posted here:
In Slizzard Baby Killer News: Casey Anthony Says She Got Pregnant While Sloppy Drunk And Passed Out, Doesn’t Know Who Caylee’s Father Is