Look at various aspects of American life and asks a simple question: Who is in control? The individual or the government? Where liberals have already had their way, government is in control. Where liberals are still moving to advance their agenda, their success would mean an increase in government intrusion into the lives of individuals. As they attempt to move the country on a trajectory toward greater government control of our lives, liberals are also pushing the country away from two great constants consistently advocated by the Founding Fathers: the principles of limited government chartered in the Constitution and the natural moral law enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. The greatest fiscal danger the nation faces as a result of the liberal agenda is the coming crisis of the welfare state. According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation's analysis of Treasury Department figures, the federal government now faces $61.9 trillion in unfunded liabilities. That astounding number is comprised of the federal debt plus the cost of entitlements — such as Medicare and Social Security benefits — promised to people now alive that is not covered by the revenue the current tax structure is expected to yield. This $61.9 trillion in unfunded liabilities, by the way, equals $200,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States — not counting embryos. Where is the government going to find that kind of cash? The Control Freaks know where to look for it: Wherever you put your money. added by: ahiguy