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After several thousand in my feelings challenges later…We know who “Keke” really is. Several months after the song hit the top the charts we’ve been wondering who the mystery woman is. Well she’s letting us know her identity. Everyone and their mothers thought that Keke was Kim Kardashian, so much to the point that Kanye West was offended. If you don’t remember Kanye went on a very long social media rant about how the song was out of line and even Ye was “in his feelings” about the song. 24-year-old Oakland resident K’yanna Barber was allegedly the lady on Aubrey’s mind when he made the song. She was says she was extremely shocked by hearing the song. She says she was sitting with her mom and brothers listening to the Rapper’s latest album “Scorpion,” when she heard him say the famous line “Keke do you love me?” She said her mother immediately thought it was her. K’yanna figured there are several “Kekes” in the world, but she listened and the line that said her initials “KB” sealed the deal. According to K’yanna her and Drake have been friends for about three years. When asked if she loved Drake the same way, he loved her she replied back “He knows how I feel.” Okayyyy Sis! If you were wondering why Nicki Minaj pulled her verse off of Tory Lanez song “Shooters” he’s clearing the air. Tory says that he merely suggested that they move some things around on her verse and apparently Nicki didn’t take too kindly to that. According to Tory after he asked Nicki to tweak some things, she snatched her verse off the song. Tory kept quiet about the whole situation until Nicki did an interview where she said Quavo asked her to change a verse and she didn’t get offended. Here’s what he said: Want more stories?? Listen to Leah’s Lemonade above for all these stories and more.
Leah’s Lemonade: Now we know who “Keke” Is…And It’s not Kim Kardashian
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