After several thousand in my feelings challenges later…We know who “Keke” really is. Several months after the song hit the top the charts we’ve been wondering who the mystery woman is. Well she’s letting us know her identity. Everyone and their mothers thought that Keke was Kim Kardashian, so much to the point that Kanye West was offended. If you don’t remember Kanye went on a very long social media rant about how the song was out of line and even Ye was “in his feelings” about the song. 24-year-old Oakland resident K’yanna Barber was allegedly the lady on Aubrey’s mind when he made the song. She was says she was extremely shocked by hearing the song. She says she was sitting with her mom and brothers listening to the Rapper’s latest album “Scorpion,” when she heard him say the famous line “Keke do you love me?” She said her mother immediately thought it was her. K’yanna figured there are several “Kekes” in the world, but she listened and the line that said her initials “KB” sealed the deal. According to K’yanna her and Drake have been friends for about three years. When asked if she loved Drake the same way, he loved her she replied back “He knows how I feel.” Okayyyy Sis! If you were wondering why Nicki Minaj pulled her verse off of Tory Lanez song “Shooters” he’s clearing the air. Tory says that he merely suggested that they move some things around on her verse and apparently Nicki didn’t take too kindly to that. According to Tory after he asked Nicki to tweak some things, she snatched her verse off the song. Tory kept quiet about the whole situation until Nicki did an interview where she said Quavo asked her to change a verse and she didn’t get offended. Here’s what he said: Want more stories?? Listen to Leah’s Lemonade above for all these stories and more.
Social media managers, rejoice! The new update for Instagram allows users to switch out of accounts without having to deal with that pesky logging out…
It was the face seen round the world… The face that inspired a thousand memes… The face that did not look happy as his brother sealed the deal on his Super Bowl 50 win last Sunday. Inspiring meme’s that said things like, “This is actually just a cardboard cutout of Eli he is at home […]
The Most Perfect Wives In The Game We love seeing happy marriages. They just warm the cockles of our cold, morbid hearts. We love seeing wonderful wives being all great and exceptional to their husbands, too. In a world of crappy relationships, let’s look at the most perfect wives in the game right now.
Stop the madness! We know Ci-Error is completely gone out her mind over her goonie boo boo Future , but have the pair already taken steps to seal their love in holy matrimony-dom? Via MouthToEars reports : Ciara and Future have been hot and heavy on public and instagram appearances since Ciara announced her love life to the world. In the studio, performing or on vacation these two are seem inseparable but… no matter how in “LUST” you are, Future still has responsibilities, for example… CHILD SUPPORT Word is that Future was on the phone with his baby mama and while she was screaming at him in her best baby mama voice “WHERE IS MY CHILD SUPPORT”, this guy’s response is “Me and Ciara got married, spiritually and we will make it official soon.” And since these two didn’t have any “spiritual” rings at the time this union happen. They both sealed the deal with matching tattoos. Yuck. Gag us already. Hit the flip for photos of Ci-Ci’s tatt and her thoughts on all the gossip…
Oui! Oui! Gay marriage is becoming the new normal… Couple Get Married In France’s First Gay Wedding Via CBS reports: In a historic ceremony broadcast live on French television, the first gay couple to marry in France said “oui” then sealed the deal with a lengthy and very public kiss. Hundreds of invited guests including a government minister gathered for the ceremony Wednesday inside city hall in southern French city of Montpellier. Hundreds more flocked to the square outside the building as Vincent Autin, 40, and his 30-year-old partner, Bruno Boileau, were wed. The politically charged ceremony was held under tight police surveillance — a stark reminder of the months of bruising opposition to the new gay marriage law that French lawmakers passed earlier this month. Police on Wednesday used tear gas to scare away a small group of protesters who gathered behind city hall. “Even if we have passed the hurdle of equality, there are still more battles to fight… But for now, it’s a moment for festivity, for love,” Autin said after exchanging vows. The two men then walked hand-in-hand to the city hall balcony to wave to well-wishers alongside Montpellier Mayor Helene Mandroux, who officiated at the ceremony. Smiling proudly, Mandroux called the marriage a “historic moment” and “a stage in the modernization of our country.” France is the 14th country so far — and the biggest in political and economic weight — to recognize gay marriage. Looks like the world is changing in ole’ gay paree. All the best on your big day, Vincent and Bruno. Gays just want the opportunity to be miserable and married like straight people. Can you really blame them? Guillaume Horcajuelo/Gerard Julien/AFP/Getty Images Continue reading →
All three remaining finalists came to play, but Fifth Harmony may have sealed the deal with their soulful cover of the Beatles’ ‘Let it Be.’ By Gil Kaufman Fifth Harmony on “X Factor” Photo: Fox
The Real Housewives of Atlanta made us wonder who would say, “I Do… But, I Won’t” as the Anguilla adventure continued. We recap all the love, romance, and tramp stamps in our THG +/- review We dive back into Anguilla with Kenya asking Phaedra which of her friends she’d give Apollo as a birthday present. What?!? Minus 18 . Kenya doesn’t find the question the least bit inappropriate but Phaedra’s not laughing. Phaedra comments that Kenya needs to, “put some ice in your panties because it’s just not a good look for you.” Plus 8. I’d give more points if she’d have said that to Kenya’s face. Did anyone else notice how uncomfortable Kenya and Walter looked at dinner when the rest of the couples were joking about how much sex they were having on the trip? Huh? So Kenya’s comfortable flirting with every man who crosses her path but couples talking about working the third shift is a problem. Minus 10 . That’s just weird. Wasn’t she just joking about having a threesome with Phaedra’s husband? Although I really didn’t need to know that Kandi and Todd christened the hot tub. Minus 12. Where is Phaedra and her Lysol when you need it? NeNe calls Kenya out, telling her she doesn’t think she and Walter are the real deal. Plus 5 for being direct. At least she says it to Kenya’s face instead of just behind her back. But the big event is Peter’s surprise vow renewal with Cynthia. When he tells the men about it Gregg offers him a couple of viagra. Minus 13 . So that explains Gregg hanging all over NeNe. He’s making sure he’s ready but I’m pretty sure Peter’s able to man up drug free. The vow renewal ceremony is beautiful. Peter and Cynthia have survived a lot of crap and they deserved this wonderful day. I may not always be Peter’s biggest fan but he did it right this time. Plus 30. And to keep the romance going each couple lights a lantern and sends it off over the waves, which sounds lovely unless you are Kenya or Kandi. Their lanterns crashed and burned instead of sailing off towards the heavens. Minus 11. Is that a bad omen or just pure dumb luck? NeNe damn near body blocked Kandi to get to that bouquet. Plus 7 because it was actually kind of funny. Gregg looked so thrilled you’d think those silly flowers sealed the deal. But everyone is happy for Cynthia and Peter…except Kenya who can’t stop thinking why not me ? She’s already a little unstable when her sit down with Porsha begins. And why is Porsha rehashing their argument? Minus 18 . These two women were silently loathing one another this entire trip. Can’t we leave it at that? Apparently not. Porsha wants it all out on the table. Well, be careful what you wish for. Before you know it Kenya’s calling Porsha a b*tch and Porsha’s telling her to, “take your hood rat ass back to Detroit.” Kenya gets all kinds of upset when Porsha calls her a tramp. Minus 10. Kenya’s not the one with the tramp stamp but honey, you were just rubbing your booty on another woman’s husband the night before so if the tramp stamp fits… But who expected to see Ms. NeNe in the role of mediator and bouncer. Plus 15. She has to physically keep these two women apart while trying to broker some sort of peace. When Kenya finally leaves the party with her flowing dress proclaiming, “I’m Gone With the Wind fabulous” I began to wonder if she was off her meds. And then I laughed out loud when NeNe gave that incredulous look, raised an eyebrow and asked, “B*tch, is it movie night?” Plus 22. And to think Anguilla’s not over yet. More next week. Episode total = -5! Season total = -199!
Forget Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson or David Cook. Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young are the true winners of American Idol . Because they found each other. The season three runner-up, DeGarmo, and the season five finalist, Ace Young, fell in love in 2010 when both starred in a production of Hair – and are finally speaking out now about their relationship. Unlike most couples, these two first saw each naked long before they reached the bedroom, as the aforementioned play requires actors and actresses to bare it all. But “I was already interested in her as a person before I got to see her with no clothes on,” Ace said . “But [that] sealed the deal.” After DeGarmo toured the country with a different show, she returned to California, crashed on Young’s couch – “more like, I crashed in his bed,” she says – and never left. The pair are now part of a group called All Access, and we’ll give Ace the final words: “”She’s my best friend. To be able to dive in with Diana and help create songs that [tell] her story is amazing.” [Photo:]
Seems the folks at Paramount and New Regency are itching to help Darren Aronofsky build his ark; as Deadline reports, the two have finally sealed the deal to partner on the $100+ million Biblical epic Noah . Also: It’s being fast-tracked to begin production as early as next spring, which means it’s about time Aronofsky gets to casting this sucker. Can we just take a vote for Christian Bale as Noah and call it a day? [ Deadline ]