Tag Archives: different-show

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Break Down Over Adopted Daughter

Hey, look, everybody, it’s a really positive, happy story about Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra from Teen Mom OG! … Nah, just kidding, it’s terrible and tragic and awful. Seriously, don’t even bother ever expecting anything nice from these people. You’ll only end up disappointed . So Catelynn and Tyler are Teen Mom’s longest-lasting couple by far — they’ve been together since they were 12 years old. Surely one of the reasons their relationship has lasted so long is because when Catelynn wound up pregnant when they were 16, they placed their daughter, Carly, up for adoption. Welcoming a new baby is hard for adults, but try to give a newborn to a couple of teenagers? No wonder they’re literally the only couple to be 16 & Pregnant & Still Together. But obviously placing Carly for adoption didn’t automatically free Catelynn and Tyler from any drama. Far from it. Carly’s adoptive parents , Brandon and Theresa, have always been very kind and accommodating to Catelynn and Tyler, but they’ve also always been very hesitant to allow their daughter, or even their daughter’s face, to be shown on television. Tyler in particular has had a hard time dealing with this. In an episode earlier this season , they received news that Brandon and Theresa didn’t want them to talk about Carly so much on the show, and Tyler absolutely flipped out. Tyler Baltierra Lashes Out at Carly’s Parents “It just doesn’t make any sense to me to be told what to say and what not to say,” he said. “I don’t want to live my life like that! I can’t!” “If they say ‘We don’t want you talking about the adoption at all on TV,’ ohohoho, then we’re going to have lots of issues,” he exclaimed. “That’s all I’m saying.” Tyler even said that he’d continue talking about Carly even at the risk of Brandon and Theresa cutting off contact between them. “My reasoning,” he explained, “is because I have sacrificed enough for you to have a family and that’s fine. I’ve come to terns with that and all that’s great.” “But I will not sacrifice my voice and what I think and what I can and cannot talk about on my daily life and my personal life — cameras or no cameras.” All this is a real good example of learning how to choose your battles — is it really more important for Tyler to talk about Carly on TV than it is to talk to her? — and that’s being proven in this brand new sneak peek for next week’s episode. Catelynn and Tyler Receive Bad News About Carly In the clip, Catelynn and Tyler meet with their adoption counselor to talk about how Brandon and Theresa haven’t been responding to their texts. Uh oh. The counselor said that she’d been in touch with Theresa, and she felt it was important to go over the paperwork they’d signed for the adoption. She said that they’d all agreed on an open adoption, and that Catelynn and Tyler had indicated that they didn’t want to have any face-to-face visits, but that there was an option for them to request a meeting with Carly at her parents’ discretion. Catelynn started breaking down at this point, asking “Are we done having visits with Carly forever? Until se’s 18 I’ll hear nothing from her?” “It is f-cking frustrating,” she said through tears, “because I was 16 years old when I made this decision.” It sounds like a tough position to be in, but honestly it also sounds like a decision they’ve put themselves in. Hopefully they’re able to work things out with Brandon and Theresa soon … we sincerely just cannot take more Catelynn and Tyler sadness .

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Break Down Over Adopted Daughter

Watch American Horror Story Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 7

American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 7 followed up on the major twist that took fans by surprise last Wednesday night. It’s almost like a different show now, isn’t it? Watch American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 7 Online There are new characters, such as Cheyenne Jackson’s producer, along with the scenario of having both the real-life Matt and Shelby living in that scary house with the actors who portrayed them. We also know that everyone will die… except for one individual. Who will that be? Go ahead and take your best guess as you catch up on this fun FX series. Use the video above to watch American Horror Story online now!

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Watch American Horror Story Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 7

Alison Pill: Topless on Twitter!

Alison Pill stars as Maggie on The Newsroom . But in a newly-released Twitter photo, the actress is making a pitch to be featured in a different show: The Nude Room ! Pill, who is engaged to actor Jay Baruchel, gave fans a look this week at what her fiance gets to see every night. Why? It’s unclear – and unimportant! Naked boobs, fellas! Of someone famous! Follow the jump to see what we mean… UPDATE : Yes, this really happened. Pill has since deleted the picture and admitted it’s of her, Tweeting:

Nick Jonas Pleases JoBro, Theater Fans In ‘How To Succeed’

‘It’s a different show every night, a different audience every night,’ he tells MTV News of his eight-shows-a-week schedule. By Jocelyn Vena Nick Jonas Photo: MTV News In January, Nick Jonas kicked off his run as Finch, the lead role in Broadway’s hit revival of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” With six weeks under his belt (and another few to go before he wraps it up in June), he says that he’s still getting to know the ins and outs of the show, but he’s enjoying every minute of the part, even its eight-shows-a-week schedule. “It’s interesting. The thing that I think I’ve realized, having played Finch every night, eight shows a week, is that the title of the show is ‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,’ however the thing about Finch that’s really exciting and appealing to the audience, and me as actor, is that he does try really hard,” he explained to MTV News. “Although he does rise to the top really quickly, he never lies, he never cuts anyone down, he never does anything that makes him a bad person,” he continues. “However, he’s just really driven. I think when it says ‘Without Really Trying,’ it’s more just saying how easy it really is when you get into the setup he falls into. It’s fun to dig in and see how quickly and easily you can rise to the top.” And, the experience of the show has been enriched even more by the folks watching. “It’s a different show every night, a different audience every night and although we’re saying the same thing, it’s so different with each show and the audience plays just a much a part into the way the show runs as with the actors do. We have to pay attention and keep the pace of the show up,” he said. “It’s been fun to have a different show every night and to see the fans, not only Jonas fans, but also fans of ‘How to Succeed’ and theater fans in general.” Have you seen “How to Succeed”? If so, what did you think of Nick Jonas’ performance? Leave your comment below! Related Videos MTV News Extended Play: Nick Jonas Related Artists Jonas Brothers Nick Jonas & The Administration

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Nick Jonas Pleases JoBro, Theater Fans In ‘How To Succeed’

Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young: Totes in Love!

Forget Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson or David Cook. Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young are the true winners of American Idol . Because they found each other. The season three runner-up, DeGarmo, and the season five finalist, Ace Young, fell in love in 2010 when both starred in a production of Hair – and are finally speaking out now about their relationship. Unlike most couples, these two first saw each naked long before they reached the bedroom, as the aforementioned play requires actors and actresses to bare it all. But “I was already interested in her as a person before I got to see her with no clothes on,” Ace said . “But [that] sealed the deal.” After DeGarmo toured the country with a different show, she returned to California, crashed on Young’s couch – “more like, I crashed in his bed,” she says – and never left. The pair are now part of a group called All Access, and we’ll give Ace the final words: “”She’s my best friend. To be able to dive in with Diana and help create songs that [tell] her story is amazing.” [Photo: WENN.com]

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Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young: Totes in Love!