Lindsay Lohan and Terry Richardson are friends, I mean that is if people in Hollywood actually have friends, which I doubt, since they are surrounded by a bunch of using assholes who just make money off of them, including their own parents, at least in Lohan’s case…but you know superficial friends, to superficial people, are just as good as any kind of friends….everyone lets you down in the end, like these pics Terry took of Lohan, the delicate angel filled with face fillers and BOTOX…that are so fucking tame, don’t exploit her awesome implants we’ve all seen in movies and in Playboy, in what makes me wonder why they even hung out together in the first place…maybe to remind us all things just aren’t what they were and a new regime is about to take over…at least that’s how I interpret this, but maybe I’m just looking into things a little too much…but boring pics do that to me. This is some tired, rehab, or AA meeting in a church basement shit…not fun at all…WHERE’S THE FUCKING SMUT….
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Lohan for Terry Richardson of the Day