You know after seeing the McKayla Maroney nude pics that she pretended weren’t of her – until deciding to accept that they were of her – only to say that they were taken at 17 and that anyone who looked at them was a sex offender – her doing the splits at 18 probably isn’t as appealing to you – because if you even know who McKayla Maroney, I am going to assume it is because you are a sex offender who likes her youthful disposition, and that it is not because you are into Olympic level gymnastics…you fucking pervert… I also will assume that being an 18 year old girl, who knew her audience was a bunch of creeps, she played up being young and innocent because that’s what you all wanted…I know how young girls think, especially in this porn generation…I know nothing is innocent anymore…blame internet, hormones in the food, and Kim Kardashian.
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McKayla Maroney Does the Splits Adidas Campaign of the Day