Miley Cyrus Posing for the Racist of the Day

I wonder what Miley Cyrus’ redneck, country fans, who see her as this good old country girl,moving away from her good old country thing, that clearly she never really had, I mean she’s a spoiled brat of a rich one hit wonder who leveraged that into being a money maker for the family, but those hicks don’t need to know that, that backstory requires too much thought for their inbred brains…they just know that even when dancing and half naked…teaching their kids what twerking is…while not wearing a bra and pretty much humiliating herself…that Jesus forgives and that Miley will find her path back to righteousness…like all good christian country girls do….except when they are vapid cunts from Beverly Hills…but does Jesus forgive when they let black dudes they groupie on so hard they pay them stupid money to produce their albums….cum inside them…I mean that’s just a question we’ll have to let Satan answer on the day of redemption…. Idiots.

Miley Cyrus Posing for the Racist of the Day

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