My name is Megan, I’m from Long Island and I’m 15…

My name is Megan, I’m from Long Island and I’m 15 years old. My friend Joli and I had always wanted to meet Justin, and since he would be in the city all week we made it a priority that we would at least see him. On Wednesday, June 20th, my dad, my step mom Joli, and I, drove into the city to go to the Z100 studios. We drove around all of NYC for 4 hours looking for the studio. We tried calling, texting, and asking random people on the street if anyone knew where they were and no one knew. We all thought we weren’t ever going to find it. Joli felt the need to call z100 and see if they would answer. As we were about to leave the city, a guy named Trey (@ItsTreyMorgan) answered the phone and gave us directions on how to get to the studio! We finally arrived at the studio at around 11 pm. I was SO happy that we finally made it. My step mom left, and my dad stayed with me and my friend to sleep the night . There were 2 girls in front of us, who we made friends with and we all waited together. We waited up all night, just to hear about Justin Bieber. People inside the studios came out and asked the four of us for pictures because we were such dedicated fans. We couldn’t believe it was only the four of us. Around 2 am, two more girls arrived who we all became friends with. The six of us waited all night, without sleeping, outside of the z100 studios to just catch a glimpse of Justin. When it finally hit around 6 am, a lot more people came who started being rude and obnoxious and made the security guards put up barricades. Finally, it was 7:30am. We all thought that Justin would come early, or take some pictures. But at 7:45, Justin, Kenny, Moshi, Bruce, and some random driver all exited out of one black escalade. Justin smiled, and touched some fans before he rushed into the studios. I was lucky enough to have stuck my arm out enough for him to grab it! After Justin arrived, Alfredo and Allison arrived in a different black escalade. Everyone went crazy for them! After his interview was over, more people started showing up and trying to make up excuses not to stand in the barricades. At around 10:00am all of Justin and his team finally came out. I ended up taking a picture with Bruce (Justin’s grandpa), Kenny, and Alfredo. They are all the sweetest guys in the world. I told Kenny I was obsessed with him, and he laughed at me.  Justin took pictures with a lot of fans and I was really nervous he wasn’t going to be able to take mine. He was one the other side of the barricades and I looked at him and begged him to come over to our side. He finally came over and took pictures with a lot of people before me. When he finally got to me the crowd behind him was insane. He looked behind him and his security team almost forced him to go back to the truck. I stuck my camera out, and he moved over to me and smiled. Me and Justin Bieber took a picture together! He smiled at me after it was done, and I thanked him and told him he was amazing. After taking a picture with my friend, Justin was forced to leave because the crowd was insane behind him. They were almost trampling him. Everyone got back into the escalades and speeded away. Some girls tried to sprint after it, but none of them could keep up with how fast it was going. After crying over the reality of the situation, I got interviewed by z100 so many times. It was definitely fate. I never stopped believing in my dream coming true. And since 09, I finally get to say. I’ve met Justin Drew Bieber. Never Say Never. -@manitsbieber See more here: My name is Megan, I’m from Long Island and I’m 15…

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My name is Megan, I’m from Long Island and I’m 15…

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