These criminal nowadays are as dumber than a muhfugga Atlanta Burglar Shot With His Own Gun When He Put It Down To Steal Money Via WSBTV Atlanta Atlanta Police are searching for a man who was shot while attempting to rob a homeowner early Sunday morning on Desoto Avenue in southwest Atlanta. Channel 2’s Ashley Swann spoke with the resident, who asked not to be identified. He told her he and his roommate were returning home from work when they were approached by two men on their front porch, one of whom had a gun. “The guy sprang from the ground, over my rail, and was like open your door, open your house door,” he said. “I said, ‘This is it. This is it for me. God just make sure you watch after my mom and my sisters for me.’” The resident said his roommate ran, leaving him alone with the men. Ol’ beyotch-a$$ roomie… “I was like, ‘Man, there’s no need to go in my house. I’ve got enough money in my pocket,’” he said. In an attempt to get the money from the homeowner’s pants, the robber placed his gun on the ground. The homeowner said, “I swear, from that moment God said, ‘It’s not your time. Here’s the gun.’ We kind of tussled for it, and he leaned forward and I pulled the trigger.” The man said he shot the man at least twice, including once in the head. Bullet holes and blood stains now riddle his front porch. Just as quickly as the whole thing happened, the resident says, it was over, and both men were gone. He called police and said he’s anxious to know what happened to the man he shot, but would do it again. “I’m not scared. I’m gonna do what I need to do,” he said. Trill ninja whatup…? Image via Shutterstock
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Random Ridiculousness: Atlanta Home-Invader Shot With His Own Gun By Victim After Putting It Down To Steal Money