Social Media Recap: Twitter Was Undefeated During The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Premiere Last Night


Source: Albert L. Ortega / Getty After literally waiting years for the final season of Game of Thrones , the hit HBO series’ cult following showed up and showed out by the millions last night — 17.4 million to be exact. What’s more…the premiere episode of season 8 didn’t disappoint. Where do we begin? Daenerys and Jon Snow are all coupled up and unaware that they’re blood relatives… that is until they make their way back to the North, where Jon reunites with his sisters Sansa and Arya, brother Bran, and best friend Sam Tarly. While there, Jon is criticized for bending the knee to Daenerys and Hand to the Queen, Tyrion, is warned the people of the North won’t accept her as queen unless she earns it. ALSO: 8 Shocking Truths We Learned From Emilia Clarke’s Personal Essay  Sansa doesn’t seem to like her new queen much and questions the North’s ability to feed two fully grown dragons, as they’ve already had to ration out food. In an unexpected, but welcomed, rivalry of bad b*tch egos Sansa sarcastically asks “What do dragons eat anyway?” to which Daenerys responds “Whatever they want.” this shot is gold #gameofthrones —

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Social Media Recap: Twitter Was Undefeated During The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Premiere Last Night


Source: Albert L. Ortega / Getty After literally waiting years for the final season of Game of Thrones , the hit HBO series’ cult following showed up and showed out by the millions last night — 17.4 million to be exact. What’s more…the premiere episode of season 8 didn’t disappoint. Where do we begin? Daenerys and Jon Snow are all coupled up and unaware that they’re blood relatives… that is until they make their way back to the North, where Jon reunites with his sisters Sansa and Arya, brother Bran, and best friend Sam Tarly. While there, Jon is criticized for bending the knee to Daenerys and Hand to the Queen, Tyrion, is warned the people of the North won’t accept her as queen unless she earns it. ALSO: 8 Shocking Truths We Learned From Emilia Clarke’s Personal Essay  Sansa doesn’t seem to like her new queen much and questions the North’s ability to feed two fully grown dragons, as they’ve already had to ration out food. In an unexpected, but welcomed, rivalry of bad b*tch egos Sansa sarcastically asks “What do dragons eat anyway?” to which Daenerys responds “Whatever they want.” this shot is gold #gameofthrones —

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