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Source: ISHARA S. KODIKARA / Getty More details have been released about the Easter Sunday terror attacks in Sri Lanka after a wave of bombings struck hotels and churches where suicide bombers detonated explosives. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Close Thank you for subscribing! Please be sure to open and click your first newsletter so we can confirm your subscription. Email Submit BBC reports that the government has blamed a little-known local jihadist group, National Thowheed Jamath for the attacks. So far dozens of people have been arrested in connection with the attacks and police are now reporting that 500 people were injured the death toll has risen to almost 300. Sri Lankan authorities confirmed that they were warned about a bomb threat from National Thowheed Jamath two weeks ago. The death toll has soared in Sri Lanka. Nearly 300 people killed, about 500 injured in coordinated bombings at churches and hotels on Easter Sunday. @IvanCNN is live from Colombo, Sri Lanka with the latest: — CNN (@CNN) April 22, 2019 BBC spoke with Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando who told them that the intelligence “never indicated it was going to be an attack of this magnitude.” “They were talking about isolated, one or two incidents. Not like this,” he said. “All important departments of the police” were informed about the warning, but acknowledged that no action was taken. Of the 290 dead, three of them are the children of billionaire Danish fashion mogul Anders Holch Povlsen. CNN reports that Povlsen who owns Bestseller, an international clothing chain, and is the largest shareholder of the online clothing retailer Asos, lost three of his four children in Sunday’s attacks. “We can confirm that Anders lost three children in the attack,” Jesper Stubkier, Bestseller’s communications manager, told CNN . Our prayers are will everyone affected. [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”1940445″ overlay=”true”] Source: ALSO TRENDING ON RICKEYSMILEYMORNINGSHOW.COM : K. Michelle’s Surrogate Confirms She’s Carrying Twins [VIDEO] Remy Ma Accused of Punching Former ‘Love & Hip-Hop’ Co-Star Atlanta News Anchor Goes Off To Beyonce’s ‘Before I Let Go’ [VIDEO] Follow @TheRSMS
Sri Lanka Attacks: Death Toll Rises After Bombings To Hotel & Churches On Easter