The Strange Case of Jihad Jane, Blonde Terrorist from Pennsylvania and MySpace [Homegrown]

Seven Muslims were arrested Tuesday for trying to kill yet another Muhammad-doodling European cartoonist. Among them was Colleen LaRose , a blond-haired green-eyed suburbanite who met her co-conspirators on YouTube and online forums, under the name JihadJane. According to a federal indictment , the 46-year-old LaRose began her jihad in June of 2008 when, under the username JihadJane, she commented on YouTube that she was “desperate to do something somehow to help” Muslims. She began corresponding with like-minded people in South Asia and Europe, two of whom advised Jihad Jane to take advantage of her imperviousness to racial profiling so they could attack a target CNN identifies as Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who earned a fatwa for depicting Muhammad astride a donkey. Instructed a conspirator: “go to sweden . . . find location of [Vilks, presumably] . . . and kill him . . . this is what i say to u.” Jihadis: They hate the “shift” key, just like us! Later, the same conspirator would note that LaRose “can get access to many places due to ur nationality,” asking her to “marry me or get me inside europe.” Romantic. Jihad Jane went on to raise funds and recruit more co-conspirators for her mission, the indictment says. She infiltrated an artist colony Vilks frequented and, in the fall of 2009, was revved up for the kill. The New York Times describes Jihad Jane’s now-defunct MySpace page. From the cache for , here it is. Click images to enlarge. Meanwhile, some other white lady named Colleen LaRose is having a really shitty day. Pennsylvania Woman Tied to Plot on Cartoonist [NYT] ‘Jihad Jane’ Indictment Alleges Threat from Within U.S. [LAT] U.S.: Pennsylvania Woman Tried to Recruit Terrorists [CNN] Jihad Jane’s MySpace [cached]

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The Strange Case of Jihad Jane, Blonde Terrorist from Pennsylvania and MySpace [Homegrown]

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