Aurora Colorado Shooter James Holmes Mailed Massacre Plans To College Psychiatrist Before Attack Damn, if only they had gotten those plans sooner. Could James Holmes have been stopped? James Holmes, the accused gunman in last Friday’s midnight movie massacre in Colorado, mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to a University of Colorado psychiatrist before the attack. The parcel, officials said, sat unopened in a mailroom for as long as a week before its discovery Monday, a law enforcement source told Police and FBI agents were called to the University of Colorado Anschutz medical campus in Aurora on Monday morning after the psychiatrist, who is also a professor at the school, reported receiving a package believed to be from the suspect. Although that package turned out to be from someone else and harmless, a search of the Campus Services’ mailroom turned up another package sent to the psychiatrist with Holmes’ name in the return address, the source told A second law enforcement source said authorities got a warrant from a county judge and took the package away Monday night. When it was opened, its chilling contents were revealed. “Inside the package was a notebook full of details about how he was going to kill people,” the source told “There were drawings of what he was going to do in it – drawings and illustrations of the massacre.” Among the images shown in the spiral-bound notebook’s pages were gun-wielding stick figures blowing away other stick figures. The source said the package had been in the mailroom since July 12, though another source who confirmed the discovery to could not say if the package arrived prior to Friday’s massacre. It was not clear why it had not been delivered to the psychiatrist. The notebook is now in possession of the FBI, sources told Both sources said the intended recipient of Holmes’ notebook was a professor who also treated patients at the psychiatry outpatient facility, located in Building 500, where the first suspicious package was delivered. It could not be verified that the psychiatrist had had previous contact with Holmes, who was a dropout from the school’s neuroscience doctoral program and had studied various mental health issues and ailments as part of his curriculum. Meanwhile, it was reported today that Holmes had a lusty taste for hookers and claimed to see multiple pros in the months before his alleged killing spree. Holmes frequented a Web site that posts reviews of prostitutes and the accused “Dark Knight” killer wrote three critiques of Colorado working gals, TMZ reported. The celebrity gossip Web site claimed to speak to all three ladies of the night. One couldn’t recall Holmes face, while another said The Joker wannabe “looked very familiar” but wasn’t 100-percent sure he was client of hers. But a third pro positively fingered him and said Holmes hired her as recently as August 2011. “Tiffany” said Holmes was a good customer: “I had no issues with him … he was really nice.” The alleged mass murderer even took pity on Tiffany when the call girl said she was hurting for business. “He felt bad that I wasn’t getting more customers while in Colorado, so he called a few days later and we met up again.” This isht is horrible. We want to rip this guys eyes from his sockets every time we think about what happened last week. This reminds us so much of the Virginia Tech shooting where the murderer gave off so many warning signs before things went violent. Source
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Too Late: Batman Movie Massacre Killer Mailed His Plans To University Psychiatrist Before Shooting Up Theater… But They Weren’t Received Until Monday!!!