Two activist receive $100,000 bail for non-violent protest at Massey Regional HQ

We teach our children to care for the earth. We teach them to defend their home and we say that the flag of these United States of America unifies us as a nation, that our country is their home. We teach them to take responsibility and speak out boldly against the tyranny of injustice and evil men. And them we jail them and label them as terrorists. It's just as likely that Bill Massey is a mass murderer. It is just as likely that the deaths of 29 miners in West Virginia were acts of murder funded by JPMorgan Chase in an effort to silence a growing internal resistance to Mountain Top Removal Mining or a group of miners intent on speaking out against repeated Massey Energy safety violations, the modern equivalent of burning them in a church, a longstanding tradition of West Virginia coal mine operators. A $100,000 suggests collaboration between Massey Energy and the West Virginia judicial system. It represents a war crime, an atrocity committed by felons against the children on the front lines of the Coal War. Who are we in America to stand in collusion by allowing evil men to prosper while our sons and daughters face brutal attacks for peaceful acts of courage? Who are we to sit in silent witness to the brutal murder of 29 miners and the weeping of their sons and daughters and wives and mothers? EmmaKate Martin and Benjamin Bryant are to be commended not condemned for their actions. They defended our mountains against the true eco-terrorists. They acted bravely just like we taught them to in school, to defend American soil against all enemies, foreign and domestic and we made it a crime of the highest order at a time when they should be decorated as heroes.… added by: Willowguy

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