Woman Sings Anti-Domestic Violence Song From Hospital Bed Darrian Amaker claims her boyfriend tried to kill her last November 29th, when he invited her over at 3am and instantly began ruthlessly beating her. She recorded the above song from her hospital bed just days after she was attacked…and now has permanent swelling to her face as a result of her injuries. Via MailOnline : Calvert was in a ‘dating relationship’ with the victim and she went to his apartment at his request that night, according to the complaint. Once in the kitchen, Calvert allegedly grabbed her and struck her repeatedly in the face with a closed fist. The defendant then did slam the victim against the wall and floor of kitchen, intentionally causing serious physical injury, severe facial bruising and swelling to the victim’s face to the extent of both of her eyes swollen completely shut, while telling her “I’m going to kill you.”’, the complaint reads. Calvert then allegedly yelled at her to wake her up and poured water in her mouth causing her to vomit. She was then dragged up several flights of stairs by Calvert to his attic apartment, according to the police statement, where he continued to beat her about the face and head. She was allegedly physically restrained during the assault and. only managed to escape at 8am when her attacker fell asleep. Interesting response, right? Calvert is currently behind bars facing attempted murder charges. Facebook
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Woman Sings Song About Domestic Violence Experience From Hospital Bed After Suffering 10-Hour Beating From Her Boyfriend [Video]