Tag Archives: 1980s

Morgan Freeman nude

Morgan Freeman back in the day was an absolutely beautiful actress, in the 1980s she was a chick that you wouldn’t have kicked out of bed Continue reading

Morgan Freeman nude

Morgan Freeman back in the day was an absolutely beautiful actress, in the 1980s she was a chick that you wouldn’t have kicked out of bed Continue reading

DeAndre Brackensick: A Captivating American Idol Performance?

Captivating. Super great. Amazing. These were all descriptions the American Idol judges bestowed on DeAndre Brackensick last night, following his take on the 1980s Debarge track “I Like It.” Are you on board with these praiseworthy critiques of Brackensick’s falsetto? Or are you wondering just what Jennifer, Steven and Randy were smoking prior to DeAndre taking the stage? Judge the hair-flipping singer’s latest performance now: DeAndre Brackensick – “I Like It” It’s safe to say DeAndre was not our favorite. But, then again, compared to Skylar Laine and her version of ” Wind Beneath My Wings ,” everyone was singing for second this week.

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DeAndre Brackensick: A Captivating American Idol Performance?

Lady Gaga’s ‘Edge Of Glory’: A Pop-Culture Cheat Sheet

In her newest video, Gaga pays homage to classic clips of the 1980s. By James Montgomery Lady Gaga Photo: Getty Images The first thing that strikes you about Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory” video is the fact that it’s steeped in the rich, gauzy traditions of classic pop clips and noticeably missing any of the allegories , agendas or, uh, afterbirth of her previous work. Simply put, “Edge” is an homage to an entire genre of videos that has since gone by the wayside — namely, the eternally soft-focused, ethereal mini-movies of the 1980s, (mostly) pop productions that reimagined cityscapes as dream-like fantasy worlds, where the just-wet streets shone like mirrors, the manholes frothed with steam and no piece of fabric was left un-billowed. These were decidedly big-budget, unapologetically Hollywood things, shot on studio backlots, glowing with million-dollar lighting budgets and given extra grandeur thanks to sweeping, soaring crane shots. They made no attempt to portray reality as anything of the sort — because, much like the songs they accompanied, there was rebellion in that fantasy — or of hiding their excesses. And, not surprisingly, as the decade came to a close, and earnestness began to reign supreme, they slowly disappeared (surely, their big budgets didn’t help their fate either). But with her new clip, Gaga resurrects the epic videos of the ’80s once again. And, seemingly, all at once. There truly are too many nods to the classics to list individually, and really, that’s beside the point. With “The Edge of Glory,” LG is paying tribute not to individual artists, but to an entire genre. Still, there are some whose influence stands above the rest, and we’ve combined them into one handy cheat sheet. Of course, in keeping with her tradition, not all of them come from the 1980s. Because if there’s anything Lady Gaga has proven, it’s that she refuses to be fenced in. Here’s our list: Bonnie Tyler : Welsh-born belter whose better-known videos (like “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and “Holding Out for a Hero”) practically set the standard for the fantastical pop videos of the 1980s. Soft focus, arching crane shots, achingly staged lighting — they’re all there, and they’re all on display in “Edge of Glory” too. Blondie, “Rapture” : One of the earliest examples of the ethereal ’80s (it was released in 1981), the video follows Debbie Harry on a dream-like traipse through the streets of New York City, complete with guest appearances by Fab Five Freddy and a shuffling Uncle Sam (to name just a few). It makes no sense, because it’s not supposed to. Cyndi Lauper : Gaga’s good friend and, along with Madonna, perhaps the premier ’80s video star, Lauper’s classics — be they the good-natured rebellion of “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” or the moody, arty “True Colors” — both seem like spiritual successors to “Edge.” “Fame” : Epochal tale of performing-arts students living and loving in NYC during the early ’80s, it’s spirit and style have long influenced Gaga’s work. With its dance moves and dreamy, freedom-in-the-streets scenes, “Edge” is perhaps the best example of that. “Flashdance” : Prototypical “girl finds escape in dance ” film from 1983, it stars Jennifer Beals as a steelworker/dancer who dreams of a better life. Not only are the same sentiments echoed in “Edge,” but Gaga pays tribute to the film’s most memorable scene — where Beals reclines in a chair and is doused in water — by striking a similar pose outside her apartment building. George Michael : Before he became known for his various, uh, exploits, Michael was the biggest British pop star of the 1980s, and as such, he churned out some appropriately huge music videos. Two of his biggest — “Father Figure” and “Careless Whisper” — seem to have influenced Gaga with their gauzy, steamy portrayals of late-night life in the big city and, in the case of “Whisper,” that balls-out sax wailing. Michael Jackson : You can’t write anything about videos from the 1980s without mentioning MJ, who took the art form to rarely duplicated heights. Usually, his clips were fantastical things, but occasionally, he also got gritty, and it’s those moments (videos like “The Way You Make Me Feel” and “Billie Jean”) that seem to have stuck in Gaga’s mind. “Newsies” : The 1992 Disney musical is most notable for its initial “flop” status and its subsequent rebirth as a cult classic. It tells the story of newsboys on strike in New York City, and in classic scenes like Christian Bale’s performance of the song “Santa Fe,” it takes that struggle to the twisting fire escapes of the city. Sort of like “Edge of Glory,” really. “Rent” : Broadway retelling of Puccini’s “La boh

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1987 [PICS]

In 1987, Fatal Attraction , featuring Glenn Close as a psycho stalking her married lover, ushered in an era of erotic thrillers that climaxed (quite literally for many guys) with Sharon Stone’ s frontal flash in Basic Instinct (1992). Skin Central has something less fatal, but still very attractive to your basic skin stinct: a boatload of boobs, bush and butt from 1987! See the very breast of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1987 after the jump!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1987 [PICS]

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1986 [PICS]

While the Chernobyl and Challenger disasters dominated the nightly news, 1986 was actually a great year for the nightly nudes. In 1986 Bond babe Kim Basinger brought softcore back into the mainstream with 9 1/2 Weeks , centerfold queen Penny Baker made her (onscreen) nude debut, and the world was skintroduced to “la grande bouche”, Beatrice Dalle , who stripped down for an astounding 10 nude scenes in Betty Blue . All in all, a happy nude year! Mr. Skin will lift more than your spirits with more of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1986 after the jump!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1986 [PICS]

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1986 [PICS]

While the Chernobyl and Challenger disasters dominated the nightly news, 1986 was actually a great year for the nightly nudes. In 1986 Bond babe Kim Basinger brought softcore back into the mainstream with 9 1/2 Weeks , centerfold queen Penny Baker made her (onscreen) nude debut, and the world was skintroduced to “la grande bouche”, Beatrice Dalle , who stripped down for an astounding 10 nude scenes in Betty Blue . All in all, a happy nude year! Mr. Skin will lift more than your spirits with more of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1986 after the jump!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1986 [PICS]

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1985 [PICS]

Strap yourselves in tight, skin fans, because we’re going Back to the Future for a time-travelin’ trip to 1985! Skin Central knows you prefer wooly wookie to Teen Wolf, and, if forced to choose, you’d probably pick boobies over Goonies , so withouit further aboob, we present the top nude graduates of Mr. Skin’s class of 1985: Kelly Preston , Jennifer Jason Leigh , Joyce Hyser , Mathilda May , and Debi Sue Voorhees ! Kelly Preston ‘s nude debut in Mischief left quite a skinpression on our viewers: They voted it the #1 celebrity nude scene of all time in a 2007 Peeper’s Choice poll. Another nude scene that left a skinpression was Joyce Hyser ‘s boob flash in Just One of the Guys . Though it’s juggy Joyce’s only nude role to date, Mr. Skin considers it the best flashing scene of all time. Remaining nude throughout all 116 minutes of Lifeforce was only the beginning for foxy Frenchwoman Mathilda May – it’s only the second of her 11 career nude roles. By the time Friday the 13th Part V came around, everybody knew that sex meant skinstant death in a Jason movie, but luckily for us Debi Sue Voorhees and her mega milk jugs didn’t get the memo. Making her second appearance in our celebration of the 80’s is Jennifer Jason Leigh , who got Mr. Skin’s blood pumping when she went full frontal for the first time in 1985’s Flesh + Blood. There’s so much more to explore in Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1985 playlist, so what are you waiting for? Check it out NOW!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1985 [PICS]

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1983 [PICS]

1983 marked great nude beginnings in skinema, like the film debuts of future Mr. Skin Nudity Hall-of-Famers Helena Bonham Carter , Nicole Kidman , and Juliette Binoche , as well as the nude debuts of Jamie Lee Curtis , Besty Russell , Linda Blair , Lea Thompson, and more! But(t) among all the horny hellos there was one sad goodbye: Phoebe Cates ‘s nude career went out with a moon at the end of Private School . See more of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1983 after the jump!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1983 [PICS]

Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1982 [PICS]

1982 was the year Valley Girl , like, exploded from a SoCal dialect into an international cultural phenomenon thanks to Frank Zappa , and it was totally the year Michael Jackson sold about 18 gazillion copies of Thriller, but Mr. Skin fondly remembers it as the Year of the Teen Sex Comedy: Porky’s , Fast Times at Ridgemont High , and The Last American Virgin , all immortal classics of this most skinful of all genres, were all released in 1982. Join us after the jump for, like, more of Mr. Skin’s Favorite Nude Scenes of 1982 ! Bitchin’!

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Mr. Skin Celebrates the ’80s: 1982 [PICS]