Tag Archives: 90210-co-sign

Pam Anderson Rehearses for her Role of a Lifetime of the Day

I made fun of this Pam Anderson gig yesterday. I thought it was funny that someone was giving her work because the milk in them titties is definitely expired. I just assumed she’d live off her sex tape residuals over the course of the restof her life as she slowly died of Hepatitis, but clearly I was wrong, she got this really important job wearing a red bathing suit like thing where she prances around the stage and for some reason, I find it really funny that they had to rehearse the shit, you’d think telling her to walk on stage, sit on some ring and hump the air would be enough for her, but I guess you can never be too professional, prepared, or ready especially when you’re a talentless idiot who scammed the world with fake tits, especially when this useless job could be the single most important role of her life because it is the second chance she dreamed about the last decade after falling asleep in random beds after sex with random men.

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Pam Anderson Rehearses for her Role of a Lifetime of the Day

Jessica Stroup from 90210 Does Complex of the Day

I guess Complex did Jessica Stroup some good by getting her topless and in the shower for their recent photoshoot, because it’s a pretty good glimpse into her future as a highclass escort, because there’s no way anyone’s gonna pull her out of 90210 and giver her a legit career, so it’s all downhill for her, only now she’s got a taste for fame, leaving her suckin’ dick for money, but at least now she can charge more for the hour because she’s got that 90210 co-sign, which is a lot more profitable than just being some young tight chick lookin’ to make some money to buy some Blahnik’s or whatever the fuck Sex in the City is telling girls they need to buy these days….. See The Rest of the Pictures By Following This Link GO

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Jessica Stroup from 90210 Does Complex of the Day