Tag Archives: absolute-shock

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: Selling Their Mansion For HOW MUCH?!

Like many young couples, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are selling their starter home to move into fancier digs. Unlike most other couples, however, Kiki and ‘Ye are asking for the GDP of a small nation for their sprawling Bel Air mansion. Yes, Bel Air has been attracting rappers since the Fresh Prince’s life got flip-turned upside down back in the early 90s. So it’s not hard to see why Kanye and Kim dropped $9 million for a home in the upscale neighborhood back in 2013. It is , however, hard to understand why they’re asking $20 million for the place just two years later. Granted, Kimye put a reported $2 million in renovations into the place, but if our math is right, that’s still quite a mark-up. If you feel like you hear about Kim and Kanye buying, selling, renovating and moving every other week, that’s because you do. When it comes to housing, the couple is as indecisive as Kanye choosing from his many pairs of leather sweatpants in the morning. While their first place was being renovated, Kim and Kanye bought a $20 million mansion in Hidden Hills, CA, so they’ve never even lived in the revamped Bel Air crib. Instead, Kim and Kanye lived with Kris Jenner  while the Hidden Hills compound was brought up to their standards. Kim suggested they move into her youngest sister’s new place, but Kylie said she’d rather stab herself , because she’s much smarter than people give her credit for.  View Slideshow: 44 Kute and Kuddly Kimye Photos

See the article here:
Kim Kardashian & Kanye West: Selling Their Mansion For HOW MUCH?!

This May Be Our Favorite Reaction of All-Time

This may be it, people. This may be our favorite reaction to a pregnancy announcement that we've ever seen on the Internet. Yes, that wife surprising her husband with a self-created Taste Challenge was pretty cool and pretty funny. But another couple decided to use a different sort of challenge to stun a pair of grandparents-to-be. It's called the Whisper Challenge and any frequent viewer of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is familiar with the game. It entails one party wearing noise-canceling headphones and the other party whispering some kind of message. The headphone-wearing individual must then decipher said message. It's not easy, but it is hilarious to watch. And it's even more hilarious to watch when the headphone-wearer is about to be a grandfather, but he doesn't know it yet because he can't figure out what his son is saying. So he keeps repeating the wrong message, getting closer and closer and closer to the truth. Until finally saying the right words, letting it sink in for a moment and then screaming in absolute shock and euphoria.  What a great way to spill baby news. What an amazing reaction. Check it all out now:

Originally posted here:
This May Be Our Favorite Reaction of All-Time