Tag Archives: achieve-total

Oil Spill Esimate DOUBLED AGAIN: 2.5 Million Gallons Leaking a Day

Photo via Reuters Well, things keep on getting better and better in the ongoing saga of catastrophe that is the BP Gulf oil spill . Shortly after Obama took to the oval office to give a speech to reassure the nation about the spill , officials released the newest estimates of how much oil was leaking from the Deepwater Horizon site. And they weren’t pretty:… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Oil Spill Esimate DOUBLED AGAIN: 2.5 Million Gallons Leaking a Day

Video Conferencing Can Save $19 Billion, 5.5 Million Tons of CO2

Photo by Scottfeldstein A new report by by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and sponsored by AT&T has revealed that videoconferencing can mean huge savings for companies, both in money and carbon footprints. According to the report, adding a telepresence to their repertoire can mean U.S. and U.K. businesses “cut CO2 emissions by nearly 5.5 million metric tons in total…and achieve total economy-wide financial benefits of almost $19 billion, by 2020.” As businesses are forced to cut back drastically in both areas to survive the latest economic… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Video Conferencing Can Save $19 Billion, 5.5 Million Tons of CO2