Apparently, this is Virgin Island Virgin who is probably not a Virgin because no one is, especially when she’s working in the modelling industry and models are never virgins, it’s almost a prerequisite that they have herpes that they landed from really rich dudes, or clients who they essentially “escort”, even when they are rich on their own…. That’s not to say that this is model has herpes, or escorts men to events, I don’t even know if this is an actual model, even if it is HANNAH DAVIS …from Sports Illustrated fame….that is hardly even fame… But it could be….some nude selfies that are less skimpy than the bathing suits she’s paid, or asked to wear for photographers…so there’s no scandal here, but we love selfies…so here they are…. She’s 23 and looks 40….When the NUDES are PG-13 – we can assume they are fully staged by the agents… Here’s Hannah…
More here:
Hannah Davis Possible Nudes of the Day