Tag Archives: actually-find

Kendall Jenner’s Naughty InstaSelfie!

I’ve got some good news. Looks like Kendall Jenner is taking a break from shooting all those dumb videos and lame photoshoots she’s been doing lately to get back to what’s really important: posting sexy bikini selfies on Instagram. It’s all about priorities, people. And I’m just glad Kendall’s finally got hers back on track. Enjoy. Continue reading

Lynn Quanjel May be The Hottest Blogger

I always like to do a little research whenever I come across a new hottie. Most of the time, it’s just to find out if she looks as good in lingerie as she does in a bikini (or vice versa), but every once in a while, I actually find out a real fact or two. And according to my findings, it turns out that  Lynn Quanjel here is a professional journalist/blogger in addition to being a professional pants fire. Which pretty much makes her the #1 hottest blogger of all-time. Present company excluded, of course. » view all 11 photos Continue reading

First 37 Pics of Girls with American Flags I Found of the Day

It’s July 4th. Fourth of July like Tom Cruise, Independence Day like Will Smith…so to fit in with the internet I Googled “Girls in American Flags”…and these are the top 37-ish I found, and by top, I mean first…because it would require work to actually find this shit, and work isn’t something I do…if I did, I would have a job. Happy Just 4th. Fourth of July. Independence Day. Go America. To #Freedom while being watched and supervised! At least one of you will get pregnant, at least one of you will eat a hot dog, at least one of you will see real girls in bikinis, at least one of you will will see fire works, at least one of you will will drink too much, at least one of you will will die from fireworks after drinking too much, and the rest of you…here are some patriotic girls…

Original post:
First 37 Pics of Girls with American Flags I Found of the Day

Audrina Patridge Hides All The Good Parts

I think that all these crappy celebrity blogs have ruined the art of the upskirt picture, all these chicks now know how to get out of a car without flashing their lady business all over the interweb. Who the hell wants that? Here’s Audrina Patridge hiding all the good parts from me in a short little dress the other night. Good for you princess, well done, you must be so proud that nobody got to see your vagina. At least show us your boobs. I guess I only have myself to blame… Stupid internet.

Jessica Simpson Is A Phat Hot Mess

It looks like Jessica Simpson may have had a few too many the other night. I’m not talking about chilly cheese dogs either, I mean a few too many adult beverages. Don’t get me wrong, I like my women liquored up, but I need them to at least be able to make it to the car. I find it kind of funny that for the first time in a long time I actually find some pictures of Jessica looking pretty damn sexy again and it turns out she’s hammered. I guess it says more about my taste in women. Enjoy.

Jessica Simpson Is A Phat Hot Mess

It looks like Jessica Simpson may have had a few too many the other night. I’m not talking about chilly cheese dogs either, I mean a few too many adult beverages. Don’t get me wrong, I like my women liquored up, but I need them to at least be able to make it to the car. I find it kind of funny that for the first time in a long time I actually find some pictures of Jessica looking pretty damn sexy again and it turns out she’s hammered. I guess it says more about my taste in women. Enjoy.