Tag Archives: actually-help

Bloodsport Mentos Commercial

Who ever put this video together is a genius. By far one of the greatest Mentos commercials ever!

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Bloodsport Mentos Commercial

Keleigh Sperry Bikini Pictures

Since one of my favorite things about this job is finding new hotties for us all to drool over, I want you to meet a model named Keleigh Sperry . Now according to my sources, Keleigh’s currently dating Miles Teller, but don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll come to her senses soon and ditch him for someone who can actually help her career. Like a certain influential blogger. Hint hint. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Keleigh Sperry Bikini Pictures

Shakira in Fetish Gear for i-D Magazine of the Day

People seem to love Shakira now more than ever because of her comeback in that video everyone jerks off to, so some fashion magazine got her in some photoshoot where they dressed her in some fetish gear and I guess the whole thing is not worth complaining about, but I was always disgusted by girls in their 30s, so to me, Shakira died 2 years ago and no matter what she does will come across as trying too hard to hold onto a time when I was jerking off to her breasts that were small and humble, in a time before her hips didn’t lie….

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Shakira in Fetish Gear for i-D Magazine of the Day

stepVIDEO of the Day

My name is Jesus, so I guess people thought it was funny to make this song for me, I don’t really know what I can do to help abused kids, so I don’t like that people are turning to me to help them and solve their problems, because I have a hard enough time keeping myself safe and warm and helping myself, so stop being so fucking demanding and keep your requests for someone who can actually help you, or maybe just accept your fucking fate instead of having blind faith in some dude from the fucking internet.

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stepVIDEO of the Day