Tag Archives: their-problems

Nicole Scherzinger’s Titty Window of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger is the original Bruce Jenner…because that face, that hard face, despite the tits, is so fucking manly…it confuses me…. Sure, she could be a woman – who just loves fitness….this BOXING video of her may prove that…but maybe she’s just training to be a tranny fighter – out to save the world…now that she’s mastered the whole dancing like a stripper on stage singing shitty pop songs that made her a fucking fortune… I don’t know what this event is, or why the trashy dress to show off her fake looking wrestler tits…but I can assume that they are being used as a diversion as most fake tits are – to trick us into thinking “tits” and nothing else about the testicles…. I do know that I appreciate fake tits, not because I like the look or feel when I pay 10 dollars a song to touch them….but I like the commitment to the cause, the fact that these girls think going under the knife to jack up their tits is the fucking answer to their problems and worth their money and efforts…all for tits…hell they like tits and do more for tits than I do…I just stare at them, I don’t create them….except maybe in my mashed potatoes…but then again, I’ve always been an underachiever… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicole Scherzinger’s Titty Window of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicole Scherzinger’s Titty Window of the Day

Rihanna And Chris At It Again But Now In A Song!!!!

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Media takeout reported that Rihanna was spotted going in and leaving out the same recording studio over in west hollywood as Chris Brown. The two will be recording a duet about two friends working out their problems through it all. I guess the pair is over what happened years ago and are hoping the fans do the same.

Rihanna And Chris At It Again But Now In A Song!!!!

Matt Barnes & Gloria Govan Justify Their Shacking Up And Throw Shade At The Basketball Wives

A couple of days before denying he was giving a two-bit internet hooker the business , Matt Barnes was on KTLA-TV throwing hella shade at Shaunie O’Neal’s Gang of Baby Mamas and Exes . And we loved every hypocritical minute of it. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the interview. Question: What about the other fellas [involved with Basketball Wives], do you deal with them much? Matt: There isn’t any other guys. That’s why I’m the target. Question: You’re wearing the ring now… Where are you right now? Gloria: We’re on great terms. We are human, I think people forget that. We bleed, we suffer, we go through ups and downs. But Matt and I are great, we have two beautiful boys and we’re in no hurry to prove our love to anybody. It’s gonna happen, and we’re together. Matt on Gloria not being like the other broads on the show: Don’t let the pretty smile fool you, she definitely got that in her. I think everyone kind of got the gist that we claim to be some perfect couple, and we’re far from that. I think everybody got the wrong impression that we were some make-believe fairytale couple. We just chose not to air our dirty laundry out like the other women did. What we fight about and what our problems are, we keep in our own home. These other women are out here telling their problems and crying a river. That sound you hear is the entire Bossip staff rolling our eyes. Check out the full interview below.

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Matt Barnes & Gloria Govan Justify Their Shacking Up And Throw Shade At The Basketball Wives

Shakira in Fetish Gear for i-D Magazine of the Day

People seem to love Shakira now more than ever because of her comeback in that video everyone jerks off to, so some fashion magazine got her in some photoshoot where they dressed her in some fetish gear and I guess the whole thing is not worth complaining about, but I was always disgusted by girls in their 30s, so to me, Shakira died 2 years ago and no matter what she does will come across as trying too hard to hold onto a time when I was jerking off to her breasts that were small and humble, in a time before her hips didn’t lie….

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Shakira in Fetish Gear for i-D Magazine of the Day

stepVIDEO of the Day

My name is Jesus, so I guess people thought it was funny to make this song for me, I don’t really know what I can do to help abused kids, so I don’t like that people are turning to me to help them and solve their problems, because I have a hard enough time keeping myself safe and warm and helping myself, so stop being so fucking demanding and keep your requests for someone who can actually help you, or maybe just accept your fucking fate instead of having blind faith in some dude from the fucking internet.

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stepVIDEO of the Day