Not all pop stars got along in 2015, and here are 6 feuds we couldn’t stop talking about.
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Here Are The 6 Pop Music Feuds We Couldn’t Stop Talking About In 2015
Not all pop stars got along in 2015, and here are 6 feuds we couldn’t stop talking about.
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Here Are The 6 Pop Music Feuds We Couldn’t Stop Talking About In 2015
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged actually-set, celeb news, Hollywood, Mtv, Music, TMZ, update
Our brains are actually set up to appreciate mash-ups from the get-go, scientists say.
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Why Do We Love ‘Hotline Bling’ Mash-Ups So Much? Science Explains
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged actually-set, appreciate-mash-ups, celeb news, from-the-get, Hollywood, live, Mtv, Music, music-news, TMZ, update