Tag Archives: advocate-given

Sewers as Sidewalks: Delhi Ups the Urban Reuse Ante

An artist’s rendition of a revamped “nullah.” Image via Delhi Nullahs . Urban planner and architect Manit Rastogi has an idea that makes the High Line look like child’s play: turning the 350 kilometers of storm water drains — now mostly filled with untreated

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Sewers as Sidewalks: Delhi Ups the Urban Reuse Ante

Fish Advocate Given The Boot At Sushi Restaurant Over Bluefin

photo via flickr There’s rising awareness about the hard place that the mighty bluefin tuna are in, but some people just haven’t gotten the message. Take Sinju Restaurant, in Portland’s Pearl District, which still has bluefin on the menu even though many environmental groups, including EDF and Seafood Watch , say to leave it off because the bluefin is on the edge of endangerment. When an Oreg… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fish Advocate Given The Boot At Sushi Restaurant Over Bluefin