Tag Archives: aid-protection

Doubling Natural Gas Usage in US Will Come At High Environmental Cost

Hot on the heels of recent MIT survey showing that natural gas use in the US is set to double in the coming decades, an important counterpoint over at Yale e360 highlights some of the problems that transition will bring. At the center of it are the environmental consequences of Fracking (that’s

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Doubling Natural Gas Usage in US Will Come At High Environmental Cost

Robert Byrd, a Man of Transformations Whose Last Was Cut Short

Photo via MLive After the passing of the nation’s longest-serving senator, the obituaries have been generally focusing on a similar narrative: That Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a man of transformations. From Ku Klux Klansmen to a supporter of Barack Obama. But most of these obits are omitting another important transformation the late senator underwent; from a longtime supporter of all things coal to a man who recognized the importance of beginning a transition to a clean energy economy. Indeed, one of the

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Robert Byrd, a Man of Transformations Whose Last Was Cut Short

Education in a Box

Image courtesy of B Spector / Museum of Science and Industry One of my very favorite green products on the market is the Earthbox . The Earthbox doubles the yield of a conventional garden, with less water, less fertilizer, virtually no effort. They are great for adding to your courtyard, roof deck, balcony or backyard. Earthbox is also wonderful for countries short on water, healthy food and financial resources. They along with The Growing Connection have been doing a lot of work in places like Africa and … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Education in a Box

Who Wins in a Conservation Competition?

Competition is a driving force in nature, but can it be a driving force to save nature? Image credit: mikebaird /Flickr Among birders, the desire to identify as many species as possible in a day, month, or year is what separates the interested from the obsessed. In The Big Year , Rick Obamscik tells the story of a group of competitors racing across the country to secure the coveted American Birding Association championship. Now, some conservationists are using this passion to aid protection efforts…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Who Wins in a Conservation Competition?