Tag Archives: all-smelling

Erin Wagner Topless for 192 Magazine of the Day

Her name is ERIN WAGNER ….I googled her and couldn’t find anything about her…other than that she shares the same name with Justin Bieber’s stepmother and mother of his half Bieber sibling, which is unfortunate, I guess…not that it matter…because this Erin Wagner isn’t affiliated with the Biebers, but I won’t say she’s not prostituting herself like she was Bieber’s mom learning how to monetize off her 5 year old, because any girl you ask to get naked, will always say no….until you package it as being for a great photographer, or for their model portfolio, or for a magazine you never knew existed…because for some reason, girls take that as status nudity, or elitist nudity, and not hooker nudity…anytime we get a girl naked, we’ve won…so this Erin Wagner is my kind of girl…fashionable about getting attention for being topless…even though being topless shouldn’t be a thing, and all girls should be topless all the time, it would make life better…I mean seriously, who the fuck jerks off to boobs now that so much hardcore porn exists…it just doesn’t make sense…so girls get topless on Facebook, do it for feminism and tag me in a all the pics…while you’re doing that, I am gonna stare at this.

Erin Wagner Topless for 192 Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton Panty Flash of the Day

Apparently, this Kate Upton Panty Flash is a big deal…I say it’s just big…real big…and not nearly as erotic as it could be…because it is Kate Upton and he best work is done in less clothes than this..photoshopped to shit..so that I don’t have to see her eating disorder that is the opposite of other model eating disorder…because her eating disorder involves eating every fucking thing in sight… All I see here is that when you’re fat…in a tight dress…your belly makes getting out of a car gracefully pretty rough… But knowing Kate Upton has really creepy fans, I have no choice but to participate in her promotional panty flash tour…and really, I’ve fucked way worst than this so hating on her plus sized stature is ridiculous, I guess I just don’t like seeing undeserving people win, but ultimately, I don’t actually care whether she’s in Vogue or not, and I would still let her sit of my face, smothering me, all smelling like the barn she was found in…..it’s beastiality if it’s dressed like a girl.

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Kate Upton Panty Flash of the Day