Tag Archives: all-speculation

Anna Kournikova Women’s Health Erotica of the Day

I feel like I should do some more public service with the site, you know use my internet celebrity of one reader by giving you guys some step by step directions to get abs even if these exercises dont have a chance against your fat ass, but at least they can double as jerk off material…pretty much the basis of all exercise DVDs, shows, programs in schools, cuz if you can’t join them, you might as well jerk off to their spandex….. Anna Kournikova, for some reason I don’t think Enrique has anything to do with, is still considered some seriosuly hot pussy with a huge fan baseand since she was the first big post on this site, wearing a yellow bikini, back in 2005, I figure we should celebrate her athlete pussy with these pictures…. Here’s the workout squat and twist feel it burn erotica…while you sit on your fat ass and wonder why you can’t get fit pussy…loser…

See more here:
Anna Kournikova Women’s Health Erotica of the Day

Michelle Williams Showing Some Tit with a Dude for Heath Ledger of the Day

I feel very close to Michelle Williams because I once made a Heath Ledger joke to Jake Gyllenhaal at a bar a few years ago and motherfucker went nuts, pushing the girl I was with and getting me kicked out of the bar…and as far as I’m concerned, he was Heath Ledger’s real wife and this bitch was just a result of one drunken night and some movie marketing that ended up with child. So as much as I like to mock broken widows when they are with new men, even if their husbands weren’t even with them when they died, it’s just one of those guilt ridden soft spots, but I have a feeling that this situation, if Ledger was still alive, he’d be the one running the bath and putting the condoms on with his mouth…if you know what I mean….But it’s all speculation…and either way, she’s showing off some tit…

More here:
Michelle Williams Showing Some Tit with a Dude for Heath Ledger of the Day

Latoya Jackson Buying Lingerie for the Weirdos of the Day

Latoya Jackson went Lingerie shopping and despite having spent some time a decade and a half ago watching her playboy videos, I never really thought she had it goin on and that was before she took off her human mask and let her Alien features shine, like she was her brother, I found the whole thing pretty unsettling…. Not to mention she was quoted saying that she was lingerie shopping because…. La Toya Jackson says she’s picking up gifts “for the children” from Frederick’s of Hollywood – a famous lingerie store! Think of this as my Michael Jackson tribute, since the only living thing that looks enough like him to imagine him molesting you when you were a little boy and had dreams of having an amusment park and petting zoo and all the toy you ever wanted all to yourself, back in a time when you didn’t know playing “hide the microphone in your ass and don’t tell your mother because we’re friends and this is “our” secret” was wrong, but you did know it makes all your dreams come true….

See the original post:
Latoya Jackson Buying Lingerie for the Weirdos of the Day