Tag Archives: all-traffic

Tan Mom’s Music Video of the Day

Tan Mom is the kind of horribly vile human…disgusting to look at…that has a kid…I have seen women like this so many times before, carting their kids around, and I struggle to understand how a motherfucker could fuck them, even when drunk, you still have to get a fucking boner for the ditch pig and power through to orgasm before or after puking all over the bitch…To me, fucking such a disgusting pile of shit, in both color and quality of human, is the equivalent self hate as anorexia, drug addiction, even failed suicide…I mean imagine what her baby daddy thinks every time he’s reminded to pay child support for their kid…a kid that is nothing more than a reminder and evidence of his weakest fucking moment…a lifelong reminder, unless it dies of skin cancer…or negligent parenting as mommy monster is out making a fool of herself, making music for herself, that I can’t help but watch…because it’s so representative of all that is wrong in this world… Why does she matter? Because you care. Now dance. Here’s her other video…

Here is the original post:
Tan Mom’s Music Video of the Day

Russia has the Best Speed Limit Signs of the Day

If all traffic signs looked like this, I would probably pee on them more than I already do…and by pee I mean stick my tongue on them like in the winter just to see if it gets stuck…preferable in their traffic sign vagina…I mean I’d totally want to smash into them…with my dick….which conveniently has been compared to a car accident where the whole family dies more than once… I like Russia’s strategy to slow people down.

Continued here:
Russia has the Best Speed Limit Signs of the Day