Tag Archives: allen-pfeiffer

Rebecca Tarbotton Takes Over At Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network has a new Executive Director to help it take on some of the worst corporate polluters, Rebecca Tarbotton. RAN is a Bay Area-based advocacy group, started in 1985, that operates sort of like a pack of jackals–its campaigners jump on a target’s back and won’t get off until it submits. In the past few years RAN has taken on the big banks that are funding the coal industry, like JP Morgan and Chase, and it has worked to protect the world’s most vulnerable rainforests, like those in Indonesia that are home to endangered orangutans and tigers…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rebecca Tarbotton Takes Over At Rainforest Action Network

Stop Eating Fossil Fuels, Start Eating Food

Michael Pollan says that if you eat a typical American diet, you are made of corn . Dale Allen Pfeiffer takes it one step further, and says We are Eating Fossil Fuels . (Actually, Jaymi points out that Michael Pollan says that too .) But whenever one discusses the idea that buying local food saves fuel, the naysayers show up. After all, there is the

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Stop Eating Fossil Fuels, Start Eating Food