Tag Archives: always-hungry

Miley Vagina Slip in Short Shorts Scandal of the Day

Hick turned Hollywood Miley Cyrus…always hungry for a scandal because that’s how attention seekers work…put on a pair of shorts that are shorter than her vagina lips…at least that’s the rumor that’s going around with these pics of her taking the short short trend to the next level of ass cleavage, but showing pussy cleavage, but I can’t really figure out if I’m lookin’ at her actual meaty Disney twat, or just a Disney Twat…Either way, she’s a puppet, the kind I’d have sex with and not feel weird about, unlike the other puppets I store in my basement, that when found after I die, would be pretty embarrassing, if I wasn’t dead, or more importantly, if I had shame.

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Miley Vagina Slip in Short Shorts Scandal of the Day

Miley Vagina Slip in Short Shorts Scandal of the Day

Hick turned Hollywood Miley Cyrus…always hungry for a scandal because that’s how attention seekers work…put on a pair of shorts that are shorter than her vagina lips…at least that’s the rumor that’s going around with these pics of her taking the short short trend to the next level of ass cleavage, but showing pussy cleavage, but I can’t really figure out if I’m lookin’ at her actual meaty Disney twat, or just a Disney Twat…Either way, she’s a puppet, the kind I’d have sex with and not feel weird about, unlike the other puppets I store in my basement, that when found after I die, would be pretty embarrassing, if I wasn’t dead, or more importantly, if I had shame.

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Miley Vagina Slip in Short Shorts Scandal of the Day

Adrianne Curry’s Ass in a Thong for Twitter of the Day

I fucking love Curry…I love it with meat whether chicken or goat or beef or lamb…I love it with vegetables and potatoes…I like it in my thai stir fry….with coconut milk and I like it in my ROTI…..I just don’t like it when it is a low level attention seeking slut…even though I love low level attention seeking sluts….I just hate when they have egos and don’t realize they are low level crap…but then again when she’s posting pics of her ass to twitter…you gotta think she knows she’s hurting for hits…..and it’s not even a great ass, but it’s ok, it does make me kind of hungry, but as an emotional eater who is always hungry, that’s not saying much, maybe it is cuz of her last name and MY STEPFAMILY POSTED SOME PICS OF HER TOPLESS IN THE FORUM her naked…is beter than her in a dirty shit stained thong…but still fucking garbage

See the original post here:
Adrianne Curry’s Ass in a Thong for Twitter of the Day

Bar Refaeli Fat Back in a Bikini of the Day

Like the pig of a woman I just saw buy a chocolate bar…Bar Refaeli is thick….but her bathing suit is riding up her pretty thick ass cheeks that as far as I am concerned look boxy and square as fuck..you know cuz her ass is eating the shit…since based on her size….her shit is always hungry and always eating whether it be shorts, celebrity cock, donuts…or anything it can to make it feel good and validated….cuz she’s dead on the inside…as she slowly transforms into a Jewish mother…all cured meat, kosher and built like Roseanne….but I guss she’s not quite there yet…. To See the Rest of the Pics of the Day FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Bar Refaeli Fat Back in a Bikini of the Day