There are few things in this life that are simple and when you get a chance to do something simple, you should always take it. So, take the next couple of minutes and truly enjoy the simple beauty of a nude Cara Delevingne…. read more
It is very fucking rare that I see a photoshoot that gets me fucking excited, I’ve been in the game a long time, and I am totally desensitized…my threshold of pleasure is a lot darker…and in order for me to be like “WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS AMAZING” as someone who has no soul, emotions and who never gets impressed or excited…but this is fashion porn…which is my favorite kind of porn…and it’s erotic as shit…like a vintage playboy….and tht’s something I’d always take over throat fucking porn….truth..
Stacy Keibler did the right thing this Thanksgiving….and got into a fucking bikini…sure she needs a hell of a lot less life jacket and a lot more crawling around on all fours – but as a bottom feeder who hasn’t left his couch in what must be weeks – there an outline of my ass crack when I go to take pisses…. I always take what I can get… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK