Tag Archives: analyzed-social

Penelope Cruz for Agent Provocateur Desert Dance of the Day

Penelope Cruz is a typical actress, who has been on enough sets to feel like she has what it takes to direct a movie, or a commercial, because clearly, it’s not that hard to direct a movie, or a commercial….if you have a camera guy and editor…and a brand willing to pay for it because they know if they allow you to edit it…you’ll participate..for your portfolio, to give you some more value and substance to your vapid acting career, even if you’re a fucking Oscar winner…or especially if you are an Oscar winner, because you know first hand that it’s a pile of bullshit…from masturbatory and commercialized industry all about making money… What isn’t a pile of bullshit is that girls in lingerie in the desert are hot. Good job Penelope…that nose sniffed out a good path for you…

The rest is here:
Penelope Cruz for Agent Provocateur Desert Dance of the Day

Heidi Klum Topless Titty Grab for Instagram of the Day

Heidi Klum posted this picture of herself Topless on Instagram…being felt up by some dude. I think this probably breaches on the terms and conditions of Instagram because the seconds you have a dude grabbing your bare tit, you’re walking that thin line of pornogrpahy..I mean it’s one dick pulled out and being jerked off to make it official.. I mean, I don’t think grabbing a bare tit for the internet is that big of a deal, I don’t’ find it hot and really for things to be pornographic in this sexed up world…they have to be real fucking hardcore…but I like the fact that she gets away with this and the rest of the instagram users don’t…because social media is a scam and they all have us brainwashed to be controlled by them…and they use people like Heidi Klum to help them… I am sure if you really analyzed social media..it’d be far scarier than anything else you do in a day…even scarier than the unprotected sex you have with girls you meet off social media.

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Heidi Klum Topless Titty Grab for Instagram of the Day