Tag Archives: angela-bassett

Discover Real African Beauty: Why Kenya Is A Top Destination For Spa Resorts!

Get ready to find real African beauty in these fabulous Kenyan spas that are perfect for romance or honeymoons. 

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Discover Real African Beauty: Why Kenya Is A Top Destination For Spa Resorts!

Who Looked More Bangin’ At The 2016 Golden Globes?

Seen On The Scene Who Looked More Bangin’??? Tonight the 2016 Golden Globes brought some of our faves from the small screen and the big screen to the red carpet. Angela Bassett brought the fountain of youth… Jlo brought the sun to the red carpet…. Taraji P. is serving in this white number… Zendaya looks like a work of art in this get up. Question of the day: Who looked more bangin’ out of this bunch??? Hit the flip for more celebrity looks from the Gold Globes red carpet GETTY images

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Who Looked More Bangin’ At The 2016 Golden Globes?

The Truth About “Chi-Raq,” Spike Lee & “Black-On-Black” Crime [Editorial]

Spike Lee’s bizarro soul-burner Chi-Raq is the best film of 2015 that elevates Black cinema to bold new heights. OK, I’m lying. But it’s definitely not as unwatchable, exploitative and culturally aloof as the trollish trailer suggests. Splashed with stunning visuals, infectious energy and powerful performances, Chi-Raq actually works (sometimes) as one big shake of the post-racial table that punches viewers in the face with ugly inner-city realities. Based on the ancient Greek play Lysistrata (where a brave revolutionary convinces the women of Greece to withhold sex to end a war), the never boring Chi-Raq delves into Chicago’s bullet-torn streets with a fearless gusto rarely seen in widely released films. Held together by an incredible cast, the film centers around impossibly gorgeous stunner “Lysistrata” (Teyonah Parris) who looks like a million IG likes and reluctantly leads the “No Peace, No P*ssy” revolution after an innocent girl is shot dead in the streets. Jennifer Hudson plays the slain girl’s grieving mother (“Irene”) beautifully in a courageous role that gives the film depth and purpose. There’s also a lean-sippy, trap-rappy gang leader “Chi-Raq” (Nick Cannon), white megachurch pastor “Father Corridan” (John Cusack), one-eyed weirdo gang leader named “Cyclops” (Wesley Snipes), steely neighborhood matriarch “Miss Helen” (Angela Bassett) and a hilarious cameo by Dave Chappelle. A giddy Samuel L. Jackson (“Dolmedes”) narrates the film with strangely profound prose in a colorful array of stolen Steve Harvey suits. He’s hilarious. His suits deserve an Oscar nomination. None of this makes sense in the trailer but somehow comes together in the actual film where Chi-Raq leads the Spartan gang (when he’s not shirtless and rapping terribly) in an ongoing war with the Trojan gang lead by Cyclops (who giggles and wears bedazzled eyepatches). If this sounds corny, it absolutely is, along with everyone speaking in rhyme (which you’ll either hate or…hate). Why Spike chose this “edgy” dialogue style, we may never know, but it’s mostly aggravating and deflates key scenes. I blame Empire . Spike, why mayne? The warring Trojans and Spartans represent the gun violence plaguing the city that Lysistrata hopes to end with her global sex strike. Lysistrata is also Chi-Raq’s boo. Imagine a Trap Dr. Suess. That’s how Chi-Raq speaks to Lysistrata with fire in his eyes. Relationship goals. But, naturally, things get complicated. “Miss Helen” serves as Chi-Raq ’s loudest voice of reason who inspires “Lysistrata” to lead the revolution. White pastor “Father Corridan” adds to Spike’s looming message with a must-see sermon that completely breaks down inner-city gun violence. Both characters, along with “Lily” (Jennifer Hudson), drive Spike’s uncomfortably potent points home. Overall, Chi-Raq is a beautiful trainwreck oozing with Black excellence. Angela Bassett, Teyonah Parris and Jennifer Hudson are excellent. The cinematography and costume design are phenomenal. Nick Cannon is shockingly tolerable as “Chi-Raq” proving that anything is, indeed, possible. Many will HATE Spike’s “mid-life masterpiece” filled with one-dimensional caricatures, sloppy “satire” and throngs of objectified women while others will leave the theatre with a newfound urge to fight gun violence in their community (or at least discuss it). It’s classic Spike—heavy-handed, poignant and completely ridiculous with daring scenes that confront the purple elephants in the room. For the past several weeks, various thought leaders have expressed serious concerns based on a 2-minute trailer and vowed to boycott the movie. A “problematic” movie that no one in Hollywood would touch for obvious reasons. A “problematic” movie that’s also a must-see. At no point is Spike disrespectful to Chicagoans furious with the film’s controversial title that’s addressed in an unforgettable scene where Angela Bassett fiercely dismantles the upsetting nickname to its bitter core. Throughout Chi-Raq , Spike shows the gritty elegance of a city ravaged by violence and connects victims—some confined to wheelchairs and others the parents of slain children—to an audience that, honestly, needs to see this. There are mentions of everything from Black Lives Matter to Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof sprinkled in a film where cops ask why they should care about us if we’re killing each other and shut down in a way that’s worth the price of admission alone. Spike has been dragged to oblivion over his controversial comments about “Black-on-Black crime” and its devastating impact on our community. And yes, “Black-on-Black crime” is a handy-dandy deflection tactic that derails discussions. But Spike, like many before him, has a point (kinda) that boils over in Chi-Raq . When will we, as a people, be open to discussing gun violence in our community? Not mythical “Black-on-Black crime” but actual violence tearing families and communities apart. Every day, hundreds march to protest gun violence in gang-riddled cities but is that enough? Why boycott a film that at least pushes this conversation to the forefront? We can discuss institutional racism, the prison industrial complex and police brutality but never solutions to a growing epidemic? This past May, there were a record-breaking 43 homicides in Baltimore . 43. In one month. And, according to the film, 7,356 in Chicago from 2001 to date. Is it really wrong (and deflective) to question why there’s no outrage over this? The same level of (understandable) outrage that fuels the Black Lives Matter movement when racist cops murder innocent young men and women? Why is even asking these questions (especially on social media) so contentious? Spike may not have the answers (I counted 0) but he sparked an essential debate with an important film (if nothing else) that everyone should see for themselves in a truly incredible year for Black film.

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The Truth About “Chi-Raq,” Spike Lee & “Black-On-Black” Crime [Editorial]

AM BUZZ: Wendy Williams Says Rihanna Is Too “Dangerous” To Date Leo DiCaprio; “Empire’s” Porsha A Double Agent? & More

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Wendy Williams Feels Rihanna’s “Not A Keeper” For Leonardo DiCaprio Rumored celebrity couple Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio better not expect talk show host Wendy Williams…

AM BUZZ: Wendy Williams Says Rihanna Is Too “Dangerous” To Date Leo DiCaprio; “Empire’s” Porsha A Double Agent? & More

HipHollywood: Inside Alfre Woodard’s Oscar Sistahs Soiree [VIDEO]

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Alfre Woodard hosted her annual pre-Oscar party to celebrate African American women in film in the penthouse of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. HipHollywood was on…

HipHollywood: Inside Alfre Woodard’s Oscar Sistahs Soiree [VIDEO]

‘Whitney’ Movie Nabs Big Ratings For Lifetime

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Lifetime netted ratings gold with the premiere of their controversial biopic, Whitney.  The movie based on the late Whitney Houston’s life directed by Angela Bassett…

‘Whitney’ Movie Nabs Big Ratings For Lifetime

Were You Watching??? Twitter Reacts To Lifetime’s Whitney Houston Biopic

Hate it or love it?! Whitney Houston Biopic Reactions Last night Lifetime attempted to redeem themselves premiered the Whitney Houston biopic to mainly positive reviews. According to celebs and fans on Twitter the network did a much better job with the film than the Aaliyah movie and they gave Angela Bassett her props. What did YOU think??? Hit the flip for more reactions to the Whitney Houston biopic.

Were You Watching??? Twitter Reacts To Lifetime’s Whitney Houston Biopic

Black Twitter-Approved: The 25 Best Reactions To ‘Whitney’

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The reviews are in, and it looks like Whitney Houston‘s biopic was a hit with Black Twitter! Not gonna lie, we were all a bit…

Black Twitter-Approved: The 25 Best Reactions To ‘Whitney’

Black Twitter-Approved: The 25 Best Reactions To ‘Whitney’

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The reviews are in, and it looks like Whitney Houston‘s biopic was a hit with Black Twitter! Not gonna lie, we were all a bit…

Black Twitter-Approved: The 25 Best Reactions To ‘Whitney’

Angela Bassett Talks Whitney Houston Memories And Biopic, Reveals Her Twins First Experience With Racism Was In Preschool!!! [Video]

Angela Bassett Promotes “Whitney” And Reveals Her Kids Experience With Racism Angela Bassett has been looking amazing while out visiting the daytime talk shows to promote Lifetime’s “Whitney” biopic, which she directed. The first clip is from her visit to “The Meredith Vieira Show” but she delved into some special moments with the ladies at “The Real” as well which you can watch below: Angela Bassett Shares Memories Of Whitney Houston And Reveals How She Got Rug Burn On Set We were really touched by this story she shared with Meredith Vieira about her kids’ first experience with racism. Angela Bassett Talks About Her Twins First Racist Experience On “Meredith Viera Show” Hit the flip to find out who Angela’s celebrity crush is!

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Angela Bassett Talks Whitney Houston Memories And Biopic, Reveals Her Twins First Experience With Racism Was In Preschool!!! [Video]